Hello! This is a guide for the Helpers+ at Resta Cafe, if you are not a Head of Staff+ in “Resta Cafe” Please, exit now! This is information only meant for Head of Staff+ members in “Resta Cafe”, but before you leave, please! Join our group! Resta Cafe - Roblox
Hello! If you are reading this, you need to be a Cheif Executive Officer+ , this is meant for you if you are planning on hosting a training! Before the training begins, as the trainee’s arive, you will be teaming them! Trainee’s are to be ranked to “A”, and people training for HOS (Head of staff) will go to “B”. And always remember grammar is key! If you are found hosting a training with bad grammar you will be possibly suspended. Now, onto the information!
GREETING | This should be along the lines of “Hello! Welcome to this training! I am (insert your username), I will be your host for today’s training! This is my lovely Co-host! (Insert co-host’s username)!”
INFORMATION | Before you say the information about to be stated, please let your co-host introduce themselves, now, onto the information! The info will be stated below.
“Now, before we begin I will go over some information, this will be crutial in your training! So listen well and pay attention, I will be muting you all for this. (mute the training teams)”
“The first thing you need to know is, if you need to go “AFK”, please, let us know by stating “PTS!”, we will try to get to you as fast as possible! “PTS” means “Permission To Speak”.”
“Next, don’t be afraid to ask for help! We are here to help! Please tell us if you need help by using our “PTS” system.”
“Lastly, grammar is a must in trainings, working, etc. You will have I I I strikes, these strikes show how many times you have made a grammar mistake, please use grammar!”
“My trainers will now be taking you to your stations! Please, remain still as we teleport you!” (then unmute all the training teams)
OVERSEEING | You do not have to help train unless you are at a shortage of trainers, if so, please train them! When overseeing, look for missed grammar mistakes! You are responsible for making sure nothing goes wrong during your training!
CLOSING | This is the final part of the “Host” section! In this you will learn what to do to finish your training! The info will be stated below. Before you read it you will need to bring the team(s) completed.
“Congratulations! If you are here, you have passed! I will now be ranking you! My wonderful Co-host will be stating some information! Before they do, does anyone have questions?”
then you answer any questions…
Welcome! This is for Cheif of Directors+ , this is your guide! Please read the following below!
GREETING | After the host has said their first message, you will basically introduce yourself! Your introduction should be along the lines of “Hello! I am (your username)! I am the co-host for this training today!”
You will not be doing much for this so just pay attention to the little things!
OVERSEEING | You do not have to help train unless you are at a shortage of trainers, if so, please train them! When overseeing, look for missed grammar mistakes! You are responsible for making sure nothing goes wrong during your training!
INFORMATION | As soon as the host goes to rank the trainee’s, you will be asked to state some information! This is the information needed for the trainee’s.
“You will be required to use grammar at the cafe too! If you fail to use grammar and we get told about it, you may get demoted!”
“We have not created a “AFK” system, so you will need to let a fellow staff member know if you are going AFK so they can cover for you!”
“Please remember! Your greeting needs grammar! And you do now have to use the example our trainers have set before you! You have the freedom to customize your intro!”
“Please, remain still and quiet as our host finishes ranking you! Leaving may not get you ranked! Please tell us if something went wrong with the ranking!”
“As soon as you finish this training, you will be kicked! Not to be mean, but because if you are a low rank still in trainings, you can’t spectate!”
“Once again, thank you for attending this training! We appriciate it! And we hope to see you again soon! Bye!”
You must be a Board of Directors+ to be a trainer! This information is crutial for you.
This is for the cashier section of training.
WELCOME | As soon as the host releases you all to train and be trained, you will say a welcome along the lines of
“Hello! Welcome to this training! I am (your username)! I will be your training for today’s training!”
“Before we begin I want to introduce my assistant! (your assistants username)!”
Then we let the assistant introduce themselves! They will state some information including the order of events, and appropriate greetings and outros, as soon as they finish this is what you do :
“Thank you, (assistant username)! We will not begin with out training! My wonderful helpers and I will be coming among you to see your greetings!”
“Please make sure you have added full grammar into them! We will give you IO seconds to type it in just in case you don’t have copy-and-paste.”
Then you go among them and test their greetings! Make sure their greetings contain punctuation, capital letters where needed, and full our good grammar! If they don’t use correct grammar name them the following “GS I” if they get multiple name them “GS II” or “GS III” if they reach 3 grammar strikes, they get kicked! Please use this kick message! “Sorry! It seems you have failed this training! Feel free to attend another when hosted!”.
TROLLER TEST | Next is the troller test! In this you will teach them how to deal with trollers! Say the following :
“Good! Next we will be moving on to our “Troller Test” section! in this you will be taught how to deal with trollers!”
“We will come among you and pretend to be trollers! As you should know, you are to warn them I I I times! If they continue and get all the warnings. Call a Manager+ to kick them!”
“Please type your greetings now!”
Then you pretend to be a troller, feel free to use costumes!
There! When they have passed say something along the lines of “Congratulations! Most of you have passed! I will kick out anyone who may have failed!” then kick our the trainee’s who have failed with the same message as stated above! Then get the host or co-host to tell them they all have passed! A picture is optional!
Once again, welcome them! You can use the greeting listed for the cashier section of training! Only the first part though! as soon as the assistant has listed the information needed, start the training! Basically all you need to say is…
“Alright, this is a bit scary… but you will have admin commands to get your items!!! Please do not AA with them!”
“Basically, until we get food that can be used well, you will be using the roblox catalog! wether the item is coffee, cupcake, or a muffin, get it from the catalog!”
“Imagine you get a order, it says I coffee, I muffin, and a cupcake! Please repeat the order to “get” the order! Then you will use the “Hand to” system to hand the player the item!”
Once they finish they have completed the training! Be on the lookout for admin abuse though!
QUIZ | In this segment you will basically be reviewing them! You have the freedom to customize your questions! But I will be saying a few recomondations.
“When is grammar manditory?”
“How many warnings to trollers get?”
“Do we serve “Rat soup”?”
“How do you deal with a exploiter? (you should have learned this in the application/interview!)”
and any other questions that come to mind.
HEAD OF STAFF TRAINING | Basically, this training is a big review! you will be saying the following!
“Hello! Welcome to this training! Before we begin… I need to let you know this is basically just a big review with some info!”
“I will be pming you your questions/info!”
Then… pm them questions! You may customize them to your liking, but here are some ideas just in case!
“What is your job as a HOS?”
“Please know you will need admin! Whenever you join a game, contact a staff member if you don’t have your admin!”
"Correct the grammar in this sentence. “hello welcome to resta cafe can i help u”
"Correct the grammar in this sentence. “can i get u a coffee”
"Correct the grammar in this sentence. “would u like a muffin”
As soon as they have finished their questions. Tell the host they have finished! If any of them have failed. Kick them with this message “Sorry! You have failed this training, feel free to join another when hosted!”
Hello! In order to continue, you need to be Assistant Supervisor+ , the host will pick your team whom you will assist! If you are the assistant trainer, please state the following when your trainer said the first sentence!
“Hello! I am (your username) I will be helping with your training today!”
“I will be stating some crutial information! Please pay attention!”
"Your greeting should be along the lines of “Hello! Welcome to Resta Cafe! I am “your username”! How can I help you?”
“We will have I I I sections in this training! The greeting test, Trollers test, and the quiz! They should all be very easy to know what they mean!”
“If you have any questions, please state “PTS” now!”
That was for the Cashier Training.
CHEF TRAINING INFO | You will just be introducing yourself! There is a small chance you will be assisting with this training!
MR TRAINING INFO | You will not be assisting in MR trainings unless needed.
Next, your trainer will say some information, as soon as the greeting test starts you will pretend you are a regular guest, and test their greetings and outro’s! As soon as that segment is over, you will have to go over the trollers test! As soon as your trainer starts it, you may begin trolling! As soon as that segment is over, the quiz will begin! The trainer will be doing that! your trainer knows what to do next! As soon as they pass, you may either leave, or supervise! Please get permission from the host to supervise.