Tranquility Plant Nursery

Welcome to Tranquility Plant Nursery!

What is Tranquility Plant Nursery? Tranquility Plant Nursery (TPN) is a plant nursery that sells all types of different plants in Oretary. Employees that sell it to you will charge you the listed prices. You can purchase a plant when the store is open.

Tranquility Guidelines

These are the general guidelines for users who are in Tranquility Plant Nursery. These guidelines are public so that if a user is failing following these guidelines, anyone may report them.

1. Close the door of the plant nursery during closing, or leaving the property at any point. This is enforced so random people cannot utilise our ATM as it is in a relevant area.

2. Do not hint, hinting for ranks or gun lockers isn’t permitted.

3. Do not take cash from other members printer’s during events without their permission as it is their printer, and they paid for it.

4. Do not team kill other members of the group during events or in store, or RK. This is only applicable during TPN events, any other scenario this wouldn’t be applied.

5. Please wear your uniform to any event, training, or when opening or working at the plant nursery. (Mandatory)

6. Locker rules from ⁠locker-access still apply to MR+ with locker access. (Locker rules can be found on our communications server).

One violation = 1 Strike
2 Strikes = Suspension
3 Strikes = Exile


Joining Tranquility Plant Nursery is a very easy process. Please follow the steps below to join, and make sure that you are not blacklisted or else you cannot join until the blacklist is appealed, or over.

1. Join our communications server located on our group, or by dming hello_cassie.

2. Once joined, verify in the #verify channel, then proceed and head to our #apply-now channel and follow the given format.

3. Once applied, wait around 48 hours for it to be accepted, or declined.

Rank Definitions

Store Manager
Oversees all operations

Assistant Store Manager
• HR
• Co-lead of Group
• Makes executive decisions

Customer Service Staff
• HR
• Deals with customer issues, and staff relations
• Hosts all events / Attends
• Assists in managing

Store Security
• MR
• Security of store during events and open hours
• Hands out guns during events
• Hosts events, and co-hosts trainings
• Helps manage

Plant Care Specialist
• LR
• Gives information of plant
• Opens store & sells
• Attends all events

• LR
• Opens store & sells
• Attends all events

Blacklisted Users

Blacklisted users are users who have done something bad enough to get put on the blacklisted list. These users cannot join TPN under any circumstances.

Temporary Blacklists

comfy_jkl | Expires August 8th, 2023 (Originally Permanent)
Murder_jld | Expires January 8th, 2024
baxxcompa | Expires January 24th, 2024
ritzz72 | Expires January 24th, 2024
darkishcompa | January 30th, 2024

Permanent Blacklists

BriefTheLost | Permanent
Foundev | Permanent
Roblox_master75324 | Permanent
DeviousKader | Permanent
AccurateThings | Permanent
john_swagger74 | Permanent
cuhcompa | Permanent
tlbacompa | Permanent
cartrdge | Permanent