Transactions Page times out and fails to load statistics

Yes, I’m still experiencing this issue, still has not been fixed


Some new errors:


I’m experiencing this exact issue. Currently I can only see how much robux has been made for 7 days max.


Also, this issue doesn’t get solved if I clear my caches, change browsers or disable extensions (I pretty much tried everything) so it’d be appreciated if I could get any update on this


Thanks for the updates. We’re continuing to look into this, but it may require deeper investigations and take some time to fix.


Any updates on this? It’s october :frowning:


did you try refreshing the page?


Of course he did… you think he tried clearing cache, changing browsers, and disabling extensions but not refreshing the page? No- he definitely tried that as a possible first solution.

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That would probably be the first thing he tried to do.

Don’t expect to get any answers, idk why but the staff just like to disappear for a while without giving any answers and without trying to help anymore when we report bugs…

Why he would let a Page open for more than a month, of course he refreshed the page, literally the first thing to do before reporting the bug.


your experience has been happening to me with my group, as the pending robux would not display itself at all and would come at random intervals from 5-40 days at a time.

also love your game :hugs:


Well almost the only Robux I get are from Pls donate (yes, your game), so I don’t get a lot of Robux like you, but I have this issue.

My pending Robux don’t appear and it takes years for “Sales of goods” to load.

This issue is happening to me as well. Has been happening for about a week, after my last DevEx. Tried different devices, browsers, etc. VPN on/off but nothing.

Also, please be professional and not talk about how much you love his game, this isn’t the place.

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I removed it. Have a good day!

I still have this bug. pls fix roblox :frowning:

happened after releasing an update yesterday, doesn’t load, hasn’t for the whole day

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Hi This issue is prob already being investigated look at this: @CalebIsCool785 , @ConnectNot_connect

Thats good, I was also experiencing the same issue and thought that it was a problem on my side.

Also experiencing this. Had 25K pending yesterday now nothing.

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