Transfer table (globaly)

How could I transfer a table from one server to another.
Orr… transfer a table from one server to all servers.

This to be for global logs.

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Use MessagingService to send your table to other servers. On the other hand, what are you trying to send to other servers?


… its in the question

How could I transfer a table from one server to another.

could you give a example?
the docs dont go to detailed in this section.

My bad for wording it incorrectly, what is in your table that your trying to send to other servers?

im pretty sure messaging service replicates it

It’s a pretty simple service to use as it’s just a send and recieve based service.

local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local TopicName = "Test"

local data = {"Yes", "No", {1,2,3}}
local function OnMessageRecieve(data, timesent) --print out the data

local success, recieverCon = pcall(function() --recieverCon is a connection to the subscribed topic for this server to listen to
   return MessagingService:SubscribeAync(TopicName, OnMessageRecieve)

MessagingService:PublishAsync(TopicName, data) --also wrap this in a pcall

Sending the table on a loop tru MessagingService to keep the data updated could be a good idea, as @TenBlocke is suggesting thats a good way to comunicate between servers.

But, what exactly is “global logs”?

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Logging admin commands used for massive games.

MessagingService:PublishAsync(TopicName, data) --also wrap this in a pcall i send data using this function correct?

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  08:57:42.689  MessagingService:PublishAsync(): Cannot publish Dictionary, can only accept valid UTF-8 characters.  -  Server - NotBugle:211

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