Transferring Arguments between ModuleScripts?

Just a query as to whether or not there’s any different methods for transferring Arguments between ModuleScripts - Example, I’m working on a Space Ship system and:

I have a Main ModuleScript that sorts out and creates the required Values & BodyMovers for the system as well as creating the “Shortcuts” such as:

local Main = script.Parent
local Exterior = Main:WaitForChild("Exterior")

Currently, I’m transferring these shortcuts using a Dictionary -
local Storage = {Main = Main, Exterior = Exterior}
Then when transferring to a new Module it’s:
local Module = require(whatevermodule).Enable(Storage)

Is there a different method of doing these transfers?

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what do you want the different method to achieve? If you mean you dont want to have to require the module script again, you can just pass it from the script that calls the module script from the module script variable in the script (its a table)

local module = require(moduleScript)
local storage = {Main = Main, Exterior = Exterior, MODULE = module}