Transformation script problem

So I am trying to make an Transformation Script work so when you click a button it will change you character from the current one to the one selected , but I can’t seem to make it work so when you die it saves the new character

Problem: When player dies the character reverts to original?

Error: ServerScriptService.Transformation:23: attempt to index nil with ‘WaitForChild’


local model,oldModel,newModel,oldCFrame,player,modellname

function respawnPlayer(plr, modelName)
	player = plr
	modellname = modelName
	model = game.ReplicatedStorage.Skins:FindFirstChild(modelName)
	print("Model from server is", model)

	oldModel = plr.Character
	newModel = model:Clone()

	oldCFrame = oldModel:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()

	plr.Character = newModel
	newModel.Parent = workspace


	if newModel:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health <= 0 then
		player.Character = newModel
		print("char set")
until player.Character == newModel


There is nothing assigned to NewModel, leaving it as local NewModel will automatically set the value as nil.

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I know but how do I make it work , because I don’t want the transformation to only happen when I click the gui , but also when the player respawns

If your code is working, I would Recommend checking if newModel exists by doing:

    if newModel then -- if newModel is not nil and not false then
        -- code
until -- condition

Also, you arent adding a wait function inside the loop.

I can’t seem to figure this out , idk know how to do it ive been trying for 2 h

it doesn’t even print when it checks for the newmodel idk

I’ve actually done something like this when I was working on an old project.

What I’ve done is used a RemoteEvent that’ll change the appearance of the player, and then either I had the gui (with the script inside) be refreshed every time the player has dies or, in that script, attach the player.CharacterAdded function. That’ll be called everytime the player spawns basically, or when the character is created within the workspace.

-- The LocalScript located inside StarterGUI (or StarterPlayer, whatever works for you)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local ChangeCharacter = ReplicatedStorage.Skins:WaitForChild("ChangeCharacter")
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

    ChangeCharacter:FireServer(...) -- ... is just the modelName you want to give it to.

If you have a question about this script let me know, otherwise I hope this helped and good luck on your game!

it still spawns me with the default char

Where are you running the code in? Or, maybe I’ve misunderstood how I’ve done it. If that didn’t work, how about instead fire the server like usual in the local script, and then connect to the players.CharacterAdded on the server script instead?

Something like this:

-- make sure this is running in a server-sided script too
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

function charRespawn(character)
	oldCFrame = character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()

	player.Character = newModel
	newModel.Parent = workspace

function respawnPlayer(player, modelName)


Maybe the bigger question is where are you running the original script in.