Transformers Dark of the Moon Ver. 1.11 Patch Notes

Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Ver. 1.11 Patch Notes

Hey everyone! The 1.11 update has arrived! New features, bug fixes, major balancing changes, and new characters! Play it here: Transformers Dark of the Moon: Ver. 1.11 - Roblox

New Characters

Reverb - Reconnaissance specialist and master escape artist

  • Cordak Rockets
  • Cloaker
    – Players can now use a cloaker to turn completely invisible. They do not appear on enemy radars and are completely absent from enemy players’ screens.
  • Scissor Blades
    – Scissor Blades and Dual Stabbers are both backstabbing weapons, indicated by their unique dagger icon. Backstabbing weapons deal 80% damage from the front and 5000% damage from the back.

Sea Spray - Warrior from the depths, average talking-to-fish enjoyer

  • Hydrobromic Missiles
  • Liquid Turbines
  • Haymakers

Warpath - Rebel with a penchant for busting Deceptichops

  • Abdominal Decimator
  • Light Chaingun
  • Brute Mace

Sideways - Two-faced con artist and multiversal maniac

  • Twin Deceivers
  • Cloaker
    – See Reverb
  • Dual Stabbers
    – See Reverb

Long Haul - Berserking brute, does not combine into Devastator

  • Flame Slug Launcher
  • Riot Shotgun
  • Bludgeoning Club

Brawl - Likes blastin’ stuff, hasn’t seen Blackout since Tyger Pax

  • Brawler Missiles
  • Mini Chaingun
  • Twin Claws
  • Robot mode model created by MarkForge

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused explosives to do the wrong splash damage values
    – Originally the splash damage used the direct hit values and did not properly scale the damage by distance, hence why they were so broken and dominated the game for so long
  • Fixed a bug that caused grappling hook to phase through objects without attaching
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to stay in the spawn lobby upon selecting a character
  • Fixed a bug that caused the BftF Seeker to aim its null rays with only one arm
  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera to lock if certain keys were pressed
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to use certain weapons or select characters when dead
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to see images that could spoil that one anime if they walked into that one area

New Features/Additions

  • Added new music tracks to all maps and replaced various sounds that are expiring
  • Ally and enemy bullets now appear blue and red, respectively
  • Lowered gravity from 150 to 70. Lowered player jump speed from 50 to 30 to compensate.
    – While double jumping is fun and actively encouraged, the fall speed made it difficult to properly land hits on enemy players whilst also making traversal not as easy. This change addresses both concerns.
  • Cybertron undergone changes.
    – Map size upscaled by 30%
    – New route opened in Autobot spawn area
  • Jazz, Skids, Mudflap, The Fallen, and players killed by Drift’s melee, explosive direct hits, Sentinel’s Rust Cannon, and Motormaster’s Acid Blaster now have new death animations.

Balancing Changes


  • Non-explosive non-throwable projectile speed changed from 500 to 750
  • Beam damage increased from 1 to 5
  • Blackout’s Shoulder Turret damage increased from 0.75 to 5
  • Ion Blaster damage increased from 10 to 16
  • Chaingun damage increased from 7.5 to 11
  • Plasma Blaster damage increased from 15 to 18
  • Shotgun damage increased to from 10 to 12
  • Crankcase’s Claw Rifle damage increased from 1 to 2
  • Topspin’s Tetrablaster damage increased from 0.5 to 3
  • Cosmic Rust Cannon damage increased from 7.5 to 10
  • Skids’ Double Barrel damage increased from 7.5 to 10
  • Drift Wind Cutter damage increased from 20 to 25
  • SMG damage increased from 3 to 5.5
  • Explosives buffed
    – All explosive splash damage increased by 60%
    – All explosive splash radius increased by 50%
    – These changes counteract the bug fix that would otherwise make all splash damage significantly weaker
  • Melee buffed
    – Slash damage increased from 2.5 to 3
    – all melee hitbox sizes increased by 50%


  • Damage fall-off added.
    – Explosives fall off from 50 to 250 studs
    – Beams and most nonexplosive projectiles fall off from 100 to 250
    – Sniper rifles fall off from 200 to 500
    – Flamethrowers fall off from 25 to 50
    – Crossbow and Throwables have no fall off unless explosive
    – These changes are mostly influenced by how unfairly powerful sniper rifles are on Chicago due to the open space.
  • Roadbuster’s Shoulder Rockets Ammo reduced from 20 to 16 and pellets reduced from 3 to 2
  • Protoform and Ratchet’s Pistol damage reduced from 35 to 22.5
  • Cosmic Rust Cannon pellets per shot reduced from 6 to 4
  • Lowered spawn shield time from 8 to 5 seconds
  • Flight speed lowered from 22 to 20
  • Jetfire’s Tomahawk damage reduced from 90 to 70
  • Dino’s Scatterblaster Spread increased
    – Increase rate increased from 2 to 3
    – Minimum increased from 4 to 6
    – Maximum increased from 7 to 14

Optimization Changes

  • Removed Decolorization effect from Devastator
  • Lowered amount of particle effects on Devastator
  • Lowered Devastator’s model quality
  • Environmental destructibles now disappear 10 seconds after being destroyed


  • NBE01’s character slightly lowered on the portrait
    – People were calling him NRE01 because the whip blocked the bottom of the B I guess lol
  • Hitscan beams now disappear faster
    – Little bit of an aesthetic touch

Thanks again for all of the support! I hope you have fun playing Transformers: Dark of the Moon!

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