Hey all, the update is finally here! Thank you all for the support over the past few months, it has really meant a lot to me!
Link to game: Transformers: Prime - Roblox
The goal of this update was to complete all of the core gameplay aspects and begin reaching a symmetrical roster. The need for melee and flying was very high, so it was a high priority to get those in as well as balance the flight mechanics (adding autobot flyers, climbing, fuel, etc.). Without further ado, here are the full patch notes for the game!
- Melee weapons are implemented into the game, 28 unique models with a variety of slash and lunge animations. Mechanics similar to sword fights on the heights
- Flight mechanics added, includes fuel meter to balance with grounded vehicles
- 10 characters added: Jetfire, Windblade, Springer, Blades, Air Raid, Sentinel Prime, Barricade, Lockdown, Long Haul, and Shadow Striker
- Buildings are now climbable, building hitboxes completely redone. Climbing hitboxes on crane also streamlined
- Weapon loadouts, classes, health, and speed stats rethought from the ground up
- Headshots and hit sounds implemented for guns
- Shoulder camera sensitivity and placement altered
- Radar added to user interface
- Kill feed added to user interface
- Music player added to user interface, over 60 tracks shuffle in-game
- Unlockable characters added to the game
- Kills now save between play sessions
- Triple changing added for Springer
- Unique movement options added for certain classes (double jump for scout, teleport for medic)
- Utility weapons removed (grenades, smoke bombs, charge rifle). Characters now only have primary, secondary, and melee
- Added start menu
- Character Select screen redone. Camera view of map, stats, loadouts, new renders. Scaling with window size improved
- Forcefield added on map teleport, lasts for three seconds
- Healthpacks now increase health more to adjust with new class stats
- New thumbnail and icon
- Transform animations changed for flying characters
- Map lighting improved
- Particles updated for guns, now vary between weapons
- Visuals for wingtip trails and afterburners were updated
- Significant visual updates to Bulkhead, Knockout, and Ratchet
- Minor visual changes made to Optimus, Arcee, Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Soundwave, Smokescreen, Breakdown
- Bulkhead’s run animation was changed
- Trees and vehicles reduced on map
- Traffic lights and billboards added to map
- Health pack logos altered to match healing gun effects
Bugs, Exploits, and Code
- Exploit allowing player to play characters on the wrong faction removed
- Bug allowing animations to potentially cease during movement fixed
- Glitch where camera would not adjust to player on map teleport was fixed
- Glitch where morph would not weld to player on map teleport fixed
- Aim tracks for Dreadwing and Skyquake fixed to replicate more accurately on server side
- Jittering during transformed states was reduced
- Sprint script now adjusts more accurately depending on transform state
- Many script enhancements in the back end. Memory leak removed
- Game scripts more organized, relay through serverscriptstorage instead of workspace
Class Balance Changes:
- Global
- Increased effects of damage dropoff with distance
- Health increased across the board
- Headshots added to most weapons
- Leader
- Reworked to differentiate from soldier
- Riot cannon introduced, close/mid range scatter explosive weapon
- Pistol switched to SMG, introduced headshots to SMG. Harsh damage dropoff with SMG
- Charge rifle removed
- Stats scale with other classes, slight increase in health and speed
- Jetfire and Sentinel Prime added to this class. Shockwave and Ultra Magnus moved to other classes. Megatron and Optimus persist
- Scout
- Nerfed shotgun damage and dropoff distance
- SMG replaced with auto-pistol. Introduced headshots & harsh damage dropoff
- Gave unique double jump ability
- Smoke bomb removed
- Speed increased, health slightly increased
- Knock Out class changed to medic, Smokescreen class changed to Pyro. Barricade introduced, Cliffjumper added to Scout. Knockout and Smokescreen changed classes. Bumblebee persists
- Bombardier
- Rework for Berserker class
- Rocket launcher has a charge time, requires holding mouse click. 3 rapid fire rockets burst. Meant for mid to long range. Scope added
- Rocket projectile speed increased. Blast damage slightly increased while direct hit decreased.
- Dual shotguns nerfed to a single shotgun. Secondary shotgun has increased cooldown and reduced number of projectiles, with other stats similar to Scout. Meant for close range
- Health decreased and speed increased
- Bludgeon class changed to Demolition. Windblade introduced, Starscream and Shockwave added to Bombardier. Ironhide persists
- Heavy
- Heavy machine gun buffed. Damage boost, decrease in spread, decrease in recoil, significant increase in ammo capacity
- Shotgun ammo capacity and recoil buffed. Matches Bombardier (Scout shotgun with increased cooldown and fewer projectiles)
- Grenade removed
- Health increased and speed decreased
- Cliffjumper class changed to Scout. Springer introduced. Bulkhead, Breakdown, and Skyquake persist
- Medic
- Complete rework of class
- Semi-Automatic Rifle replaced with Energon Harvester. Rapid fire automatic rifle. Lower damage and range than soldier. No headshots. Heals teammates
- Secondary weapon replaced with low range teleport
- Heal gun removed, replaced with energon harvester
- Health increased, speed decreased dramatically
- Knockout class changed to medic. Blades introduced. Ratchet and Soundwave persist
- Sniper
- Damage scaled with other classes. Bodyshot will kill low health characters (Scout, Sniper, Bombardier), headshot will kill all characters. Slight decrease in cooldown and recoil
- Sniper rifle now hitscans, only hitscan weapon in the game
- SMG replaced with auto pistol. Introduced headshots and hard damage dropoff
- Speed and health increased slightly to match other classes
- Starscream class changed to bombardier. Air Raid and Shadow Striker introduced. Arcee and Airachnid persist
- Demolition
- Grenade launcher buffed to a 3 burst shot weapon. Arc decreased, blast damage increased, direct hit increased. Blast radius increased. Projectile speed increased. Shot cooldown slightly increased and ammo capacity decreased slightly
- Auto pistol replaced with SMG. Headshots introduced and harsh damage dropoff
- Character has higher health and lower speed
- Bludgeon moved to Demolition class. Wheeljack and Dreadwing persist
- Soldier
- Automatic rifle damage slightly increased, damage dropoff and headshots introduced
- Pistol damage buffed and spread decreased
- Flashbang removed
- Health and speed slightly increased to match other classes
- Tailgate moved to Pyro class. Lockdown introduced to Soldier class. Ultra Magnus moved to soldier class. Vehicon persists.
- Pyro
- New class
- Flamethrower introduced, low range & damage but high fire rate and number of projectiles
- Grenade launcher added as secondary. Pre-patch demolition grenade launcher with current demolition blast radius, damage, and arc
- Long Haul introduced, Smokescreen and Tailgate moved to Pyro class.
- RoboTRONFan: General scripting support, Headshots & hit sounds, Melee system, Teleport tool, Radar GUI, Map lighting, Blades Face, Jetfire character design, new thumbnail composition, etc. List is too long
- AshCraft: New game thumbnail render
- GeneralCrocket: Faces for Jetfire, Springer, Windblade, Air Raid, Sentinel Prime, Barricade, Lockdown, and Shadow Striker
- PrimeFire94: New game icon
- BlackConvoy: Springer Alt Modes
- 70talBlackou7: Bulkhead face, Optimus & Megatron swords
- RobertBlox: General scripting and asset support, enhancements to weapon damage detection, Kill feed GUI
What’s next?
Not sure if these will all come next update, but in the future I would like to add:
- Remaining characters for the base roster so the teams are fully symmetrical
- New map or map enhancements
- Character skins
- Potentially new special unlockable or game pass characters
- Potentially new game modes/objectives