Translation Module

Hello Developers!

Open sourcing something else, this one has been open sourced, but it was in a chat I made, no one used it, so I am going to put it here.

How to use:

– How to use:

-- How to use:
local TM = require(script.Parent.Translater) -- or where ever you put it.

-- How to call it:
local Output = TM.Translate('English', 'Spanish', 'Hello, how are you doing?')
--                              ↑          ↑                    ↑
--                             Lang     Lang. to               Text

You can use the following languages:

English, Spanish, French, Russian, and German

This is not good at all, and I am putting it out there just in case anyone want it.

Here is it: Translater.lua (16.9 KB)

Hope this helps someone! Have a good day! :slight_smile:


Why not consider automatic translation + filtering? Seemed to have a much more accurate and greater coverage of language phrases/words.

Automatic translation isn’t that horrible nowadays given they are accelerated with machine learning

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I’m not sure what the use case for this is? I don’t mean to be harsh, but there is only 8 words (yet there are 38 copies of blank data entries?), the name is spelt wrong (should be translator), there is no context interpretation, you use a repetitive method used to find translations, there are incorrect cases for some translated words, different translations for the same word, (possibly as a result of) duplicate indexes for capitalised and lowercase words. I would strongly recommend using the Localisation API, or some form of HTTP request to an online translator instead.

funny, this is just human translation ? why do this

also this:

why? This is really inefficient and should not be used whatsoever. Before publishing your code, make sure to make it clean and efficient

Edit: code is also very repetitive, this code single handedly broke the DRY rule 50+ times…

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Also, let’s say you input a word not there, it won’t work.

this isn’t auto translation, it’s manual translation in tables. Which is very inefficient

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Ok, hold on.

This was before I knew that roblox has made auto translation, Also, to use any of the good translations api, requires a api key.

And this code should not be used in a game, unless you update it.

Didn’t hear of yandex.translate?

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A API key is needed.

So what? Just make the module let you set api key. What’s the problem with it

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I want to make something that does not require a API key.