I’m currently translating a game into Russian and I’ve run into an issue with the translator portal. Currently, it doesn’t save translations in the game products section (game passes, dev products, and badges), and also text-to-translate doesn’t appear. The issue started appearing just now.
Reproduction steps:
Open the translator portal
Go to the game products section
Try to save a translation in there
Browsers - I tested on Firefox and Opera GX
Extensions - Better Roblox on firefox, Opera GX is clean
This is happening every time I try to save a translation.
Can confirm, this has happened to me while using the translation portal.
Besides what MemeProduced said, I noticed this bug seems to only trigger when certain words are used.
The only workaround I can suggest to anyone reading this is using synonyms until you can successfully save a string…
Bumping this because it’s starting to happen to me. It’s happening on the newest version of Google Chrome with the BTRoblox and Roblox+ extensions as well as Microsoft Edge without any plugins.
I can confirm this when trying to translate a string/cell to Greek. After translating the string and trying to save it, it just doesn’t seem to work. https://gyazo.com/208c500f6e2a292d6d3bbd51f4837435
I’m using Microsoft Edge and from what I can tell it doesn’t seem to work on any browser.
Bumping this thread again because the bug is still present and very important I think. There are no messages at all when clicking on “Save” so we can’t even know if it comes from moderation or for another reason. It is very annoying to be able to translate a game pass title but not the description and vice-versa.
The issue with displaying the correct errors when something goes wrong during a save of a translation is currently being worked on. Generally speaking if the translation is failing to save there is either an issue talking to our servers from the browser or often times the text is moderated. We know this is not the best experience and are working on fixing it, for the time being try changing any words that could be considered offensive as this is most often the cause of this issue.
I’ve had problems with words that aren’t offensive at all and have no synonyms to bypass them, such as “Pizza” or “Shoes,” and only trying to save the same translations over time would help it. So far, the only fix that works 100% is exporting it to a .csv file, and many devs opt-out of it because there’s little to no documentation on how to do it. Some other developers have also told me that when downloading the files, variables such as {number1} tend to be changed to #NAME?.