Transparency is not working right for beams

I want to change this beams transparency through its life time but its only influenced by the beginning point and end point:

If someone could explain why it works like that I would be thankful.

Seems like you are using a beam with a single segment.

The transparency needs a segment point to apply the transparency to. (at least it seems like it from the way it looks when dragging the transparency curve time on a low segment count beam)

So if you have a single beam segment, up the value to like 10, 15, or 20 or whatever fits your needs.

I hope this helped.

Thanks that fixed the problem, but I have another problem, the beam doesn’t curve even though I have more than enough segments, when I curve it, it just extends beyond the attachment:

If you or anybody else could tell me why it is happening I would be very thankful.

Select one of the attachment and rotate it to point in the direction you want to beam to shoot out of

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