
Adam posted on his CSG Prototype thread that he shouldn’t have been transparent, and that he won’t be in the future. I’m probably one of the most critical people here, so if this is coming from me, I’m sure I’m sure as hell not the only one with this viewpoint :stuck_out_tongue:

As I posted on Adam’s thread, I’m wayyyyyyyyyyyy more lenient in how much disappointment I can take before wanting to break something if I’m kept up-to-date on something. If I’m kept in the dark, I’m like "wtf you tell us nothing about this and then you delay it even further. fk you too.

", but if I’m kept up-to-date, I’m like “Oh, that’s what happened. I understand.”

Even if I don’t completely understand, I think transparency is a hell of a better tradeoff for not blowing a gasket about something, so if I don’t understand, I’ll stay nice anyway – I like transparency. Please leave your opinions in the poll. This thread is an attempt to let Adam know that transparency isn’t a bad thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Keep in mind that I’m not asking the ROBLOX staff to inform us of every little detail. When they start going out of the way to not tell us is when they should start being a bit more transparent IMO.

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Can you define transparency in this wording? Im sort of confused. :stuck_out_tongue:

Transparency as in communicating more of the situation at HQ towards us devs on RbxDev.

I think transparency is great, especially when it comes to new features. However, if a company chooses to be far more transparent about something, then they need to maintain that transparency throughout the process. If the company fails to keep up the transparency then it leads to suspicion and misunderstandings.

omg I bet Seranok was the one that voted no.

Also, Seranok, you talk to the devs about the seat fix yet? Saw you took my fixed seat model :stuck_out_tongue:

Even after reading your statement, and how you defined it, I still had no clue what you meant, so I just vote yes.
[size=1]When I wake up tomorrow I’ll probably realise what you meant and possibly even facepalm because it’s the opposite of what I answered.

I think they don’t want us releasing information that could be wrong. I think it’s great that he held his hands up and said “here is the issue, we’re sorry.” In my opinion some of the devs acted shockingly in response to this, and without naming names I think some of them should have their places here reconsidered. Just be happy to be here, happy they were honest, and happy they even gave you a date to put in your diaries.

I’ve voted yes, but that’s only because I think transparency is a good thing for us devs, however I do totally agree anything made on a test build should not work with the actual ROBLOX build itself, but I’d only recommend this if they manage to solve the issue of having multiple installations.

I don’t think “transparency” should be their focus. But regardless, it just makes sense to update people on things and it also makes sense for people not to get angered by things IN PROGRESS that get delayed for bits of time. Not hearing an update for years is not ideal (kinda like that CLAN WORLD DOMINATION MAP THAT WOULD BE AWESOME) and giving frequent updates just seems like a waste of time to me. So here’s my exact rate of updates on a WIP project: at least once every 21 days (though you could have an update that says this work is being put off for x time, thus not having to give updates until it gets cancelled/resumed/delayed), and whenever an important thing happens in the process. Most importantly though, is for the crowd to not be “patient”, but understanding that there’s always a chance of delays.

I want transparency. They don’t need to spend their day doing a video blog of every little thing they do but updates on anticipated features and a short explanation would be neat to get every once and a while. :imagine:

Hey, I’m assuming you voted “Yes” based on your post. Please don’t promise to be nicer and then go and use all caps – thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

I voted no because I don’t need ever l little detail in order to be compassionate. (At least that’s how the poll is worded.)

I personally already understand that things take time and how sensitive internal info can be during development.

It’s more stressful on the developer as well because you will have everyone on your ass asking questions when it may not be an appropriate time to answer.

I posted this in Adam’s thread:

I’m not asking for them to go out of their way to update us, but when they have to go out of their way to not tell us, that’s when I see issues start to arise. However, I never made this clear in my thread, so thanks. Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t feel like I’m obligated to know. If they did the have any news or don’t want to talk about it, it’s officially none of my business.

Sure it sucks but what can you do?

It appears that some of this confusion may have come from my post yesterday saying that CSG would not be released yesterday. In the post, I mentioned that an issue had been found that prevented the release. I had made that post in an attempt to provide information as quickly as possible and to keep the community informed about the current status of the release as I knew it. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the details of what the issue was, I didn’t know the root cause of the issue and I didn’t know when it could be resolved. The intention of the post was merely to let everyone know that it would not be that day and to help set expectations correctly.

It seems, though, that my statement was taken as an empty excuse and as an attempt to conceal what was happening. As a result, people became upset and started making accusations. I can only speak for myself, but I know I was left questioning whether I should have mentioned anything without knowing all of the information about why and when the feature would be released. So I am left with the question, should we release information as soon as possible, knowing it isn’t complete, or should we wait until we have a more complete picture even though it will take longer?

[quote] It appears that some of this confusion may have come from my post yesterday saying that CSG would not be released yesterday. In the post, I mentioned that an issue had been found that prevented the release. I had made that post in an attempt to provide information as quickly as possible and to keep the community informed about the current status of the release as I knew it. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the details of what the issue was, I didn’t know the root cause of the issue and I didn’t know when it could be resolved. The intention of the post was merely to let everyone know that it would not be that day and to help set expectations correctly.

It seems, though, that my statement was taken as an empty excuse and as an attempt to conceal what was happening. As a result, people became upset and started making accusations. I can only speak for myself, but I know I was left questioning whether I should have mentioned anything without knowing all of the information about why and when the feature would be released. So I am left with the question, should we release information as soon as possible, knowing it isn’t complete, or should we wait until we have a more complete picture even though it will take longer? [/quote]

wait until we have a more complete picture even though it will take longer

[quote] It appears that some of this confusion may have come from my post yesterday saying that CSG would not be released yesterday. In the post, I mentioned that an issue had been found that prevented the release. I had made that post in an attempt to provide information as quickly as possible and to keep the community informed about the current status of the release as I knew it. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the details of what the issue was, I didn’t know the root cause of the issue and I didn’t know when it could be resolved. The intention of the post was merely to let everyone know that it would not be that day and to help set expectations correctly.

It seems, though, that my statement was taken as an empty excuse and as an attempt to conceal what was happening. As a result, people became upset and started making accusations. I can only speak for myself, but I know I was left questioning whether I should have mentioned anything without knowing all of the information about why and when the feature would be released. So I am left with the question, should we release information as soon as possible, knowing it isn’t complete, or should we wait until we have a more complete picture even though it will take longer? [/quote]

wait until we have a more complete picture even though it will take longer[/quote]

And inform us that you are planning on informing us when you have more info.

^ What those last 2 posts said.

@CodeWriter: It isn’t your fault that people took it the wrong way. This forum is made for developers, and if someone wants to go and say that you’re full of crap and that it’s just an excuse, then that’s not very developer-like, and that user should be removed from RbxDev. The reason RbxDev consists of only developers, at least concerning the Updates forum, is because we’re supposed to be mature/intelligent enough to handle knowing this kind of stuff. If someone is unable to handle this kind of information, then how they got into RbxDev needs to be looked into (remember, it used to be public and some of those people remain here), and then appropriate action needs to take place.

I honestly don’t see the difference between:

“Can’t release CSG because of a mobile bug”


“Can’t release CSG because [insert mobile bug specifics here]”

If you wait to tell us that CSG is going to have to be reworked, and it takes 8 hours to get all the info, that’s 8 hours you potentially have people using CSG on gametest4 when they could have saved themselves some time if they would have known 8 hours ago.

Point being, if someone isn’t mature enough to handle something as basic as info on an update, they shouldn’t be here. You’re not the issue – they are.

[quote] @CodeWriter: It isn’t your fault that people took it the wrong way. This forum is made for developers, and if someone wants to go and say that you’re full of crap and that it’s just an excuse, then that’s not very developer-like, and that user should be removed from RbxDev. The reason RbxDev consists of only developers, at least concerning the Updates forum, is because we’re supposed to be mature/intelligent enough to handle knowing this kind of stuff. If someone is unable to handle this kind of information, then how they got into RbxDev needs to be looked into (remember, it used to be public and some of those people remain here), and then appropriate action needs to take place.

You know full well I was the only user who expressed such views, so trying to palm it off as if multiple developers made the accusation is completely misplaced. As far as I see it, users are allowed to question the facts brought before them, which is all I did. My reply was striked out, which was done so as to simply leave it there if anyone did feel like responding, which CodeWriter did and I’m grateful for.

This isn’t a communist website the last time I checked, and users shouldn’t be executed… sorry, banned… just because they question the staff members on specifics.

But you’re forgetting something there. Users, on ROBLOX, have been told where to get the CSG modeler by people who have found it. The time of RbxDev members is the only thing which has been saved here.