Transparent layers disappearing

Hey builders,

I have a question, I’ve not come across this “annoyance” before.

On the outside I have this core build.

But when looked though “glass”/transparent objects 2 transparent layers of it disappear. image

How can I fix this?


Glass does this, you can change the material to smooth plastic instead of glass. Im not aware of any workaround other than that. It also does this with neon.

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Its neon and it disappears through glass I missed worded it.

Yep, you’d have to make it smooth plastic. Not sure why it does this, but you can try setting the glass transparency to a lower number. Alternatively you could just set it to ice or metal.

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So I can choose what to set it too either the circles or the window pane itself?

Not sure what you mean there, the issue is the glass pane. The roblox glass material makes semi-transparent neon parts disappear. You’d have to change the glass pane to another material.

If you look through a glass part and the part behind it has a transparency of anything over 0.01 it will disapear. This can be very useful in certain situations since you barely notice it. I personally use this feature to my advantage when i want to hide text behind a glass wall so it’s only visible from one side.

Any way to disable this without using materials?

Technically you can. Meshparts made of glass with textures or surface appearances do show other transparent parts behind it. I do not advise on using this as it does not look better than just making a part (smooth) plastic. You can definitely try to do something with it but it’s quite hard to get the right colors and glassy effect so i recommend you to save the efford and headaches.

Ok lol. I don’t fancy a headach so ok

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