Trello API help

local API = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local TrelloBoardID = API:GetBoardID("TCD Whitelist System")
local WhitelistID = API:GetListID("Whitelists",TrelloBoardID)
local Placeid = game.PlaceId
local WhitelistCards = API:GetCardsInList(WhitelistID)

when I do that ^ it printed nil But when I do w/o .name It returns a the table
Is there something that I did wrong above?

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I believe each card has a name. You’re going to need to loop through the table to get the names of each card.

for i, v in pairs(WhitelistCards) do

TrelloAPI:AddCard(PetChosen, "", PetListID)
            local PetCard = TrelloAPI:GetCardsInList(PetListID)
            for i,v in pairs(PetCard) do
                if v["name"] == PetChosen then
                    NumberofPet += 1

Here is something I did. ask you can see I literate through card and see all things in the table. What ever I did is a very bad practice. Use Trello for ban systems or code systems :). NEVER for things containing big numbers.

Thank you, you have solved this issue for everyone that might use this method XD.