Trello API issue

Getting no output whatsoever and I cannot figure out the issue with this code. Can anyone help?

local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI:GetBoardID("ElectionsData")

local ListID = TrelloAPI:GetListID("RegisteredVoters",BoardID)

		local Cards = TrelloAPI:GetCardsInList(ListID)
		for v,i in pairs(Cards) do
			if == player.Name then
				print("Player is a registered voter.")
				print("Player is NOT a registered voter.")
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Is this in StarterPlayerScripts?

No its not, ServerScriptService.

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Ok i was about to say it wont be able to access serverscriptservice.

Is it running before the player character is added?

No it is not. I included a character added function in there.

This should not be a solution???

First: Why are you using CharacterAdded here, this will unnecessarily spam requests

Second: do print(i) here and ss the output

This thread is over 3 months old, I eventually solved the issue with trial and error and I can’t remember what ended up working.

Oh haha I didn’t even notice how old it was, looks like it was bumped arbitrarily – my bad

All good. I think you’re 100 correct.