The list id wich you put on the script it’s invalid, I can’t understand why you make a script and you don’t know how to configure the card description based on what you scripted. if you are using the split function you should know what it does, and how to configure the card accordingly.
– API key and token from Trello
local API_KEY = "
local API_TOKEN = "
– Board ID of the Trello board to retrieve cards from
local BOARD_ID = “fM5mzxV8”
– URL for the Trello API endpoint to retrieve cards for the board
local API_URL = “” … BOARD_ID … “/cards?key=” … API_KEY … “&token=” … API_TOKEN
– Find the part named “SESSIONS” in the workspace and create a SurfaceGui inside it
local sessionsPart = workspace:FindFirstChild(“SESSIONS”)
local surfaceGui = sessionsPart:FindFirstChildOfClass(“SurfaceGui”)
if not surfaceGui then
surfaceGui =“SurfaceGui”)
surfaceGui.Parent = sessionsPart
– Create a function to retrieve the cards from the Trello API and display them on the SurfaceGui
local function updateCards()
– Retrieve the card data from the Trello API
local response = game:HttpGet(API_URL)
local cards = game:GetService(“HttpService”):JSONDecode(response)
– Clear the SurfaceGui
– Create a text label for each card and add it to the SurfaceGui
for i, card in ipairs(cards) do
local cardLabel =“TextLabel”)
cardLabel.Text =
cardLabel.Size =, 0, 0, 30)
cardLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 30 * (i - 1))
cardLabel.Parent = surfaceGui
– Update the cards immediately when the script runs
– Update the cards every 60 seconds
I changed the code a bit. I am coming up with this error now.
What are you doing you are sharing api key and token with everyone, please delete or edit your reply and re-generate that data, since your are giving now everyone permission to enter your Trello account
Also 1.
This is not a script which use my trelloAPI
And 2.
Httpget is not a function of a game might be maybe HttpService?
Provide your TrainingHandler script along with a screenshot that includes the error’s stacktrace.
You’re better off using 000webhost, I’ve made a couple tutorials on how to do that
How would we be able to add a time/date to the trello cards using the
TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.CreateCard("EXAMPLE_CARD_NAME", "ID_LIST", {
["Description"] = "You're Fantastic Card Description", --> Type: String
["idLabels"] = {'MyLabels1','MyLabel2'}, --> Type: Array (Table)
["AttachmentLink"] = "" --> Type: String
--is there a timelabel here?
--What are all of the variables to createcard which can allow us to change the information when adding cards?
Could these please be listed below as I used the previous trello API and this was possible,
and could these also be added to the API website you listed to provide such information to others who are looking for it. Thank you
Hey there.
You should be able to slap a due key into the array with the time in ISO 8601 format. Example:
TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.CreateCard("EXAMPLE_CARD_NAME", "ID_LIST", {
["Description"] = "You're Fantastic Card Description",
["idLabels"] = {'MyLabels1', 'MyLabel2'},
["AttachmentLink"] = "",
["due"] = "2023-09-28T12:45:55",
Do note, this is extracted directly from Trello’s API. If this is not supported, this may need to be implemented, however it should.
Hi There, Thanks for bringing this up,
My API code does not currently allow this But yeah, I think I’ll add it!
In the meantime you can modify the CreateCard function
Does this support CustomFields? If so, how?
Hi! I’m currently trying to make a system where I would get a card’s name inside of a list, and set that = to the GUI’s text. How would I go about doing this?
I was curious if this Trello API allows the use for an application center using Trello similar to the ones back from a few years ago.
This is a lovely Trello API i never understood the old API and i just came across this today and found it very simple to use and way more organized. I do not know how i didn’t come across this sooner. Amazing job!
Can you add checklists with this resource?
I’m not familiar with Trello’s TOS but
How much is easier to add a card trello and automatically to the next rejoin of the player, the player for example can get a specific tool or feauture, Without avoiding spamming the trello API with the functions that have been built it is possible to download all the cards in the list, and then check when the player enters if he is on them.
From this response, you gave the examples “script whitelist”, “Tool Giver” “an Arrest System (Log)”, and “Ban System”, which is basically saying “Hey, you can use Trello as a database with my ‘service’”, so I’m not quite sure why are you doing such mental gymnastics and attempt to twist the meaning of your own words given all the examples you provided ALWAYS requires the usage of a database.
Before trying to win by technicality, you should understand the meaning of your own words
Saying “if a person wants to use it as a database he is free to do so” doesn’t alter the fact that you were the one giving examples which all requires one to misuse Trello as a database.
To anyone trying to use trello as a db for your fancy “script whitelist”, don’t. It’s a huge vulnerability even if you obfsucate your script using the fanciest and the most expensive obfuscators
People are free to use my API as a database; I can’t control this. Trello only discourages this use. The API was created to facilitate the use of Trello, so everyone is free to use it as they wish, and I honestly won’t do anything to avoid this.
To anyone trying to use trello as a db for your fancy “script whitelist”, don’t. It’s a huge vulnerability even if you obfsucate your script using the fanciest and the most expensive obfuscators
No, it totally depends on how you script the system. I worked on a famous game that used a similar system for medals, tools, and other features. The script and system are 100% safe. If you think my API or the script I suggested is unsafe, you don’t need to use it. Everyone is free to do what they want.
Hi! I’m using this Trello API and it works great, I have a problem where I can’t make a card with idLabels. I can make a card just fine without it but with idLabels it just refuses to work and returns a HTTP 400 error, is this this deprecated and what other methods do I have to store tables with cards?
I just did some deeper digging and It looks like idLabel is literally the id of a label, how would I be able to store data on a card? I just need to store 3 variables that just contain numbers.