Trello-based overhead Title/Rank system

Hello there! I’m making this thread because I need some couple of help of how I could create a Trello-based overhead Title/Rank system, basically the system would be similar to this.

BUT instead of a team changer, it would be overhead Title/Rank system, I’m not the best at scripting, a bit of help would be really appreciated. I already have the overhead Title/Rank system, but a bit of help regarding Trello connection would really be appreciated :slight_smile:


Hm, I am unable to script but this sounds like an amazing idea! :slight_smile:

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I totally agree, this is something I’ve been trying to figure out for such a long time now… And I still haven’t found out how.

I have a script for this using a public trello api on the toolbox. Would you like me to add an uncopylocked game for it?

You would need to use HttpService to make a get request. This is some pretty advanced scripting as it deals with web requests and stuff so you may want to hold off on this for now. however, to give you an idea you will need to use HttpService to make a get request to trello using the trello API which you can then use to make a billboard gui display the group rank or whatever text you want.

@jakebball11I have a script for this. Would you like a link?

sorry not as of now, but you can look up the trello API. It has good info

Not saying that but ok. I have a trello nametag system ready

What were you saying? I thought you were asking how I did it?

Nah I was like saying I have the entire nametag and API script in a spare game somewhere lol

Could you find that? This is something I’ve been looking for, for a while now.

So if you could please send a uncopylocked or a model link I would appreciate that.

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Alright I’ll have a dig and see what I can do for you


What’s the point? What makes it so you can’t use the Roblox group functions in RLua?

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I think they mean custom nicknames

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Yeah, custom nickname / title / rank / whatever you want to call it

I Don’t recomend doing this… Trello is not a database and not optimized for such applications.
so, It’s possible that Trello may change its terms to reject http requests from Roblox.

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Then the question is, how do you link it to the nametag thing.

Hi. I found it! Here is the model in all it’s glory. Main API goes in server script service. Overhead tag goes in ServerStorage. Replace token value with your trello token. Same goes for app key. Detailed instructions can be found inside the main API script


Please give me instructions on how to format the trello card.