Trello Card Name to GUI Text

Hi, everyone! I’m creating a script that takes the GUI in game and sets it’s Text property to the name of a card in Trello. Unfortunately, it does not allow me to do so.

local TrelloEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("TrelloEvent")
local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))

local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("Jrblx Workspace")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"JRBLX | Monday")

local AllCards = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)

local Title = game.StarterGui.Main.Background.ContainerMain.Title

for _,TrelloData in pairs(AllCards) do
	print("Name Card: " ..
	Title.Text =

The print statement works like a charm. However, nothing seems to happen.

To do this, I am using the Quaerit Services remade Trello Api. On their post, I haven’t found much information relating to my issue.

Help would be greatly appreciated, as I’ve been on this for quite some time.

The GUI is probably being cloned to the player before the text is changed. Try something like this:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local TrelloEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("TrelloEvent")
local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))

local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("Jrblx Workspace")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"JRBLX | Monday")

local AllCards = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)

local Title = game.StarterGui.Main.Background.ContainerMain.Title

for _,TrelloData in pairs(AllCards) do
	print("Name Card: " ..
	Title.Text =
	for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		v.PlayerGui.Main.Background.ContainerMain.Title.Text =
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I’ve been trying to solve this since 11:00 AM this morning. It’s 10:00 PM. I’d say about a good 3 or 4 hours working on it. You are such a life saver. Thank you so much!

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