Trex FPS Looking for Modeler! 4 models $175 USD

Looking for a modeler to create the following models rigged…

The job
Alaric - Ability to place a circle shield that blocks bullets for 4 seconds <>Done<>
Caspian - Ability to heal team members
Evander - A darker cloak figure who steals life
Salix - Futuristic character that uses futuristic tools
Zephyr - X-RAY and recon abilities

(The descriptions are there to help you understand the concept design)

$200 USD for these 5 models.



Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Still looking for a developer to fill this role.


Are the 5 models all characters ?

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Hey I am interested in this post, my discord is Lyte#0001

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With Texture?
30 char…

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I designed a character for you, I hope you like it
If you like it, talk to me on Discord for discussion

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Still looking for a developer to fulfill this job.

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This is a definitely advanced job your looking for. Wish I could do something like it as well im making a character just like that one haha! Hopefully you find the right person good luck dude!

Still looking for a person to fulfill this job

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