TriangleCount is always 0 after re-opening place

All PartOperations not added in the current session appear to have a TriangleCount value of 0. I opened a large game with thousands of PartOperations and searched TriangleCount ~= 0 in the Explorer filter, and no results appeared. I also tried this with the Next Gen Explorer to no avail.

TriangleCount ~= 0

I created a union out of 2 parts here and the TriangleCount was 20 in the properties.

After closing the place and re-opening it (another user had the place open so the Team Create server was still active), the TriangleCount showed as 0.

Expected behavior

I expect all PartOperations to show a correct TriangleCount even after re-opening the place.


As far as I know since Unions were introduced the triangle count was only a first time used value like you described.
I’ve never paid attention to it since then because I wasn’t able to depend on it.

Hey, thanks for reporting this. We’ve filed a ticket and we will report back once we have addressed the issue.

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