So I have a question. I understand that triangles are not ideal and that it is better to have your faces all be quads if possible when making a mesh but… in a case where say it’s not possible to have quads is it better to have triangles or ngons as your faces?
Quads are important for the sake of topological edge flow, such as in the case making a character model that will be animated and deformed, but it’s by no means a requirement for models. After all, mesh faces will be converted into triangles in nearly every game render engine. It’s a good habit to use quads as much as possible, but don’t hesitate to use tris when to need to!
Stay away from n-gons as much as possible though, they are prone to rendering in bizarre ways or straight up disappearing if the engine can’t figure out how to triangulate the face.
If you wanna try to keep things to quads though, look up various topology flow guides for reference! Here’s one from topologyguides for example:
I use quads for modeling as you end up with much cleaner projects. Almost all rendering engines convert quads to tris, which means you’ll sometimes end up with dark spots on uneven surfaces like clothes. I always end up converting some of the more obvious areas to tris manually before exporting to Roblox.
Ngons are always a no go and you should avoid them at all costs if you have plans to import the object into studio, studio triangulates all mesh imports, and there will be complications with triangulation if a face has 5+ verts