Tricky Maths Equation

I am trying to make a FOV slider with boundaries from 45 to 95 but there is a problem currently while trying to update the slider to a default value (being 80).

(Variables used in the code)

Min = 45
Max = 95

Here is my code (The issue is in the CalculateScale function):

0.2796 is much lower than it should be
somehow it calculates 58 as opposed to 80, obviously there is a fault in my maths but I don’t know what it is.

Here’s a diagram if you need it



I forgot to Include the CalculateValue function,
CalculateValue works fine but I’ll include it here

You can use this function to map your values.

function Map(n, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax)
	return (outMin + ((outMax - outMin) * ((n - inMin) / (inMax - inMin))))

print(Map(2, 1, 2, 45, 95))

This example maps your min (45) and max (95) between the numbers 1 and 2.
Input 2 will give your max value.

You can edit the values as you want.

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If you want someone’s help don’t try and make their life harder, take every screenshot of a code and paste it as an actual code with this image. This way we can copy-paste it to the studio and debug it.

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What do you mean? How am I making it harder for you?

If we want to place your code in a test project and debug it, we will have to copy it from an image which is not as convenient as taking it from a code section.
For example:
Copying this to my project

Is not as easy as copying this

local function CalculateValue(scale)
	local v = Min + ((Max - Min) * clamp(scale, 0, 1))
	return floor(v)

Btw, just like you did at the beginning with

Min = 45
Max = 95

It also looks way better than a bunch of pictures with different sizes [=

Fair enough, sorry about that.

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local minValue = 45
local maxValue = 95
local delta = maxValue - minValue

local function ValueToScale(value)
    local scale = (value - minValue) / delta
    return math.clamp(scale, 0, 1)

local function ScaleToValue(scale)
    local value = scale * delta + minValue
    return math.clamp(value, minValue, maxValue)

Wow! This works, thank you so much for you reply!

Didn’t mean to sound negative, keep up the good work and keep asking questions [=