Can I have feedback on my new GFX, and if you can tell me how to add back round and improve I would be thankful.
To add a background, I would make the background transparent when rendering. You can improve on lighting unless if the overall graphic is supposed to be dark.
I don’t know how to add backround or make it transparent I’m still new its my first time, but thanks!
You change Alpha from Sky to Transparent to make the render transparent.
To add a background, you would need to use a photo editing program and add a layer beneath the render with the desired background.
As @COUNTYL1MITS suggested, add a background to it, as it would really make it look better. I would also personally suggest moving the camera down a little bit so the character is more centered in the frame.
lighting and camera angle is key try doing that
If I was you I would color the background and add some lighting,
But it looks decent. No bad.
I like it! The only thing I would say is that the arm on the right is slightly lower than it should be but it is a good start!
Considering it’s your first GFX, well done! You should however consider moving the camera to a close up shot to remove those blank spaces, and add front facing lighting to illuminate the character.
Nice for a first GFX!
I suggest either changing the pose because it doesn’t look natural or the camera angle because that may be the cause to the positioning of the body looking unnatural.
It looks okay for a first, but here are my inputs:
- The pose is a bit awkward and doesn’t look comfortable
- The lighting is very off so it’s very dark
- A background could be added, but not really needed as long as you make the other parts look good.
- You could maybe add an HDRI and change the model to Eevee to make it look a bit better.
- The avatar itself looks a bit weird as well, but this is very, very minor and doesn’t need to be changed, it just doesn’t look very appealing. The clothing isn’t matching.
- The camera angle should be a bit lower and focusing on the character more.
Hopefully these help. I’m sure you can improve over time.
I started the same, with not any goal but just a gfx. Let me tell you how you can make it better
First get an editing software (Paint.NET - Download) / (
Make a good background from the editing software or get one from google and make it a background.
Add *blurs *sharp edges *sunlight effect (vector glow) and a clear goal for the gfx making all of this will result in a good gfx.
Below is an example.

An easy way to make a GFX with a background, I would use Photo Editor : Pixlr X - free image editing online. That website is free to use, you can find a background you’d like of your choice, make sure your rendered character has a transparant background (so the background can fit in) and you’ll have a great GFX with an easy to edit background. You can also get premade models and mix in your character in that using Blender, I find that more work on my side.
For your feedback of your GFX, I’d have your camera facing your character than at a high angle shot. Some lighting for your character would be nice, the GFX looks dark.
Also, try to get your arm’s edge to be connected to the torso. The left-arm for instance, the vertex of the arm looks connected to the torso.
Looked awesome! Can you make the arms more intact?
Try adding more lighting and reangle the camera. Also add a background. But It’s Really good so far! Keep up that good work!
I like the lighting but it lacks in content.
Mhm, looks very cool.
Adjustments to be done: Bend all the arms all the legs and the head for the most realistic look;
Just having 1 main character means your gfx must be in a square resolution so the eyes of the viewers will be focused on the detail; The yellow lighting hits the eye resulting the change in focus from the character to the harsh light; try rendering in cycles engine.
Do that and your gfx will get better over time