Trigger TextButton with a Key

Hey, I’ve been developing a game for a long time. I’m currently with the cars and they start manually with a button, start button.
How can I trigger the button by pressing B on an Xbox controller or F on the keyboard as an example?

I’m not gonna write a wiki article here but in short proximity prompts. You want to have it be a parent of a attachment then in your code you want to bind a event called “PromptTriggered” from the “ProximityPromptService” service to a annonymous function (yes we are gonna be assigning the data manually) then you need to pass in the proximity prompt instance as the first parameter of the annonymous function.

so i should add ProximityPrompt to The button ? because i made a start button for the car if u click it with mouse the car is starting but now i want to make it triggerable with Xbox Button B and Keyboard Key like F

yea just replace your click detector with the proximity prompt

:3 that not part it’s a TextButton xd and for text button u don’t need a ClickDetector

oh my bad its like 1 am i probably read over something. ig what u could do is like have the code be binded to key press too since thats kinda what you are already doing by doing like button.mousebutton1click:Connect(function() end)
just make this


make it actually be referenced and not annonymous and just bind it to your text button event and your keyboard event (userinput service)

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ContextActionService seems like the solution for this, try something like this:

local context = game:GetService("ContextActionService")

local function startCar(actionName, inputState, inputObj)
	if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
		-- Car start logic here --
	return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass

-- Bind the action when they enter the car --
context:BindAction('StartCar', startCar, false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB)

-- Make sure to unbind the action when they exit the car --

i hate to be that person on the forum but why would you overcomplicate the code base by using the cas system for something that is a linear event

ContextActionService is a clean solution for this case. I apologize if this is complicated, I just gave an example of a simple use. This is the type of example they give on dev hub as well.


what if there was a textbutton, then it was activated, and the proximity was activated?