I want to use trigger motors for a combat game. I’m using a xbox series s/x controller and it’s definitely have trigger vibration, I tested it in another games and it works fine. I don’t think there’s an issue on the script because large and small motors are working great but when I change the motor to “RighTrigger” or “LeftTrigger” it’s not working. Is there any way to use trigger motors?
I can verify that this does not work on the XBOX Series controller, one I purchased earlier today. Both the large and small motors work, but the triggers do not.
Perhaps this is actually a bug with the engine itself?
EDIT, here’s the code I used to test. Swapping the motors out for large and small works fine.
local HapticService = game:GetService("HapticService")
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
if not UserInputService.GamepadEnabled then UserInputService.GamepadConnected:Wait() end
while task.wait(1) do
print("Left Trigger")
HapticService:SetMotor(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1, Enum.VibrationMotor.LeftTrigger, 0.5)
HapticService:SetMotor(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1, Enum.VibrationMotor.RightTrigger, 0)
print("Right Trigger")
HapticService:SetMotor(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1, Enum.VibrationMotor.LeftTrigger, 0.5)
HapticService:SetMotor(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1, Enum.VibrationMotor.RightTrigger, 0)
Bumping this as I’m still having the same issue using an xbox series x/s controller. I also noticed that using HapticService:IsMotorSupported
returns false for both triggers.
Well… then it’s not supported?
It has trigger motors though, and they work in other games like Forza Horizon 5.
You can use ‘IsVibrationSupported’ to check if a gamepad supports a specific type of vibration: HapticService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.
If it’s not supported, you can fall back to using a supported vibration motor instead. Lower fidelity, but still a haptic feedback.
This has the advantage that your code will ‘just work’ if Roblox adds further support to a gamepad.
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