- What do you want to achieve?
For the .Triggered event to activate every time that it is triggered
- What is the issue?
What the portion of the script does is once the proximity prompt is triggered, it clones a model which is the holder of the proximity prompt and then it destroys the model. Even thought the script already sets the new variables correctly. The triggered event doesn’t seem to work. Be aware that the code that puts the bottles in the box is in the same script with the code that picks up the box (I can give the full script if requested).
Output from the video:
- What solutions have you tried so far?
I made sure to check if the “prox” was defined accurately by changing its name after the first triggered event, the name was changed without a problem.
I checked if the model that was cloned and the model already in place were the same, they weren’t so I fixed it and made them exact copies, still didn’t work.
Portion of the server script that picks it up:
local char = player.Character
local clone = box:Clone() -- clones the box with bottles which is the box that will be carried
clone.Parent = char
local newBox = game.ReplicatedStorage.Box:Clone() -- creates new boxe and sets new variables
newBox.Parent = workspace
box = newBox
prox = box.ProxWall.ProximityPrompt
player.CarryingBox.Value = true -- CarryingBox is used to check if the player is currently carrying a box
char.RightHand.Name = "RightHandDisabled" -- cancels animation for the hands
char.LeftHand.Name = "LeftHandDisabled"
local anim = Instance.new("Animation",char) -- starts carrying animation
anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://10284756356"
local loadedAnim = char.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim)
local cloneParts = clone:GetChildren()
for _, v in pairs(cloneParts) do
if v.ClassName == "Part" then
v.Anchored = false
v.CanCollide = false
clone.ProxWall.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false -- disables the carried boxes proximity prompt
local part1 = clone.PrimaryPart
for _, part0 in pairs(clone:GetChildren()) do
if part0:IsA("Part") and not (part0 == part1) then -- welds the box together
local weldC = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
weldC.Part0 = part0
weldC.Part1 = part1
weldC.Parent = weldC.Part0
local weld = Instance.new("Weld", clone) -- welds the box to the player
weld.Part0 = clone.PrimaryPart
weld.Part1 = char.Spawner -- the spawner is something made by the script to properly set the angle of the weld
for _, dropOff in pairs(dropOffList) do -- turns on proximity prompts that are drop off points for the box
dropOff.Enabled = true
rowCount = 0 -- resets values
currentBottleRowCount = 0
bottleCount = 0
parentMold = nil
initialMold = nil
initialMoldCount = 0
layerCount = 1
maxed = false
Server Script that puts box in back of the truck:
local prox = script.Parent.Frame.TrunkDoor.DropOff
local pickup = script.Parent
local templates = pickup.Templates
local pricings = {
StandardBottle = .5
local templateStatus = {
[1] = false;
[2] = false;
[3] = false;
[4] = false
local templateValues = {
[1] = templates.BoxTemplate1;
[2] = templates.BoxTemplate2;
[3] = templates.BoxTemplate3;
[4] = templates.BoxTemplate4
if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Box") then
local price
local availableTemplate
local box = player.Character.Box
for _, v in pairs(box:GetChildren()) do
if pricings[v.Name] then -- gets price of object in the box
price = pricings[v.Name]
for i, T in next, templateStatus do -- finds a template for the box to spawn at
if not T then
availableTemplate = i
T = true -- sets the T# to occupied (true)
local weld = box.Weld
weld.Part1 = templateValues[availableTemplate].Floor -- welds box to template
for _, track in pairs(player.Character.Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do -- cancels carrying animation
if track.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://10284756356" then
player.CarryingBox.Value = false
player.Character.RightHandDisabled.Name = "RightHand"
player.Character.LeftHandDisabled.Name = "LeftHand"
prox.Enabled = false