A new third person and first person hybrid using funny meme sounds etc for death sounds and other goofy stuff for kids to enjoy and others to laugh at and make friends playing and enjoying each others company!
Trigger Happy has a variety of maps and pets , Character skins u can purchase crates and unlock!
Here are the GFX and INTRO for the game!
Your feedback and responses are much needed and appreciated! please make sure to leave one down below.
Hey, this concept looks really cool and like a fun game to play!
I think the first GFX captures the fun, goofy mood of the game. The second one, looks a bit more serious but the character in the background lightens the mood a bit. The third one, is just serious. No jokey whatevers.
It looks like a real tactical shooter, like PHANTOM FORCES instead of the kinda goofy aesthetic you’re going for like Arsenal. I think removing the gore from the logo would make it more friendly, and having less serious tones (gray, dark colors, desaturation) would help. Arsenal is colorful and cheery, like most games such as Adopt Me, Pet Sim X, etc. From the screen in the beginning where your character is sitting there, it looks super serious.
When you first join the game, I noticed the “Loading Game Assets:” text moves with the text below it.
I think that they should be separated so it looks cleaner and less buggy.
Very nice so far!
However, I think the loading game assets screen should be more subtle.
Players don’t need to know the current asset being loaded nor do they need massive text. Give them the percentage and maybe a skip button, but don’t feature it so prominently.
Please don’t wait after it’s loaded just to say “Loaded!”, just switch to the main menu immediately.
This is sterile and boring, but it’s not cluttered. You shouldn’t copy this if you’re putting it in a game.
It shows you a logo, the fact that it’s loading, and how much it’s loaded if you care enough to look.
It’s not right in the center, it’s not in massive, rapidly-changing font, it’s just a tiny indicator in the corner.
It also gives you the option to skip, but it’s not so prominently displayed.
The problem with this example is that it’s not accessible.
While this screen may cause frustration to a few people, it’s not a bad loading screen. You have information about yourself at the top, and the loading progress is conveyed by brightening part of the logo. The user isn’t shown information like “how many assets left to load” or “what asset is loading” because the user doesn’t need to know that. The user just needs to know that it’s loading and when it will be done.
I see some percent of inspiration from Caliber. Mainly the camera movement in the lobby and the background too. Besides that, it looks fantastic! Keep up the good work.
I totally agree with your whole comment, however what’s wrong with the short “wait” after it loaded? It doesn’t take too long though. It’s pretty short and clear.
Because I want to be playing your game faster. You can have a transition out of the loading screen, but don’t show the loading screen for more time than you need to.
@busterbob64 Yeah, you are totally right, but actually I think it’s depending on person. But I don’t really think 2 seconds matter. But you’ve got a point.
To the game review, it’s pretty alright but:
Please. I beg you! Remove the camera “shaking” on music. It’s so annoying!
Why is the menu character you? I’d suggest making it a player’s character.