Star and Coin Collection System
For example, you collect 1 star, and it switches to a grayed out version of the original one, similar to Super Mario 64 and Robot 64, the main inspirations for this game. Each time you collect anything it updates your Save File.
These aren’t fully done yet, but I manually added 1 dialog for Bleepy, the Troll Bloxikin.
I plan on adding DLC and that stuff, but I currently got a Placeholder map done, as seen in the Star and Coin Collection System section. There is 1 NPC, 2 Coins, 1 Star, and a use of the crouch and wall jump mechanic.
For the current engine I’m using the 3D Platformer Engine that replicates Super Mario 64’s Movement Engine. You can get the engine here.
I currently have a Jump Buildup pass (Like in Super Mario 64 you jump once, jump twice, jump three times you jump even higher.) and a Double Coins pass.
Coins are used for Skins and Hats you can buy for your Troll. Similar to Robot 64.
- Fix Scaling and Positioning on UI’s and make them work for all devices.
I’d enjoy some feedback or some recommendations!