Tron System | Community Information

Community Information:

The community information board exists in order to ensure that everyone can enjoy our game. In this board we outline the basic rules, information, expectations as well as outlining components of the group to ensure that everyone can adventure out onto the grid and have fun.

Important Notice:

By joining our group or game you automatically agree to rules and expectations.


Section accredited to the developers who have helped with the game along the way.

Main Developers
Those who have built a large sum of the game
6Clu, Main Scripter & UI Designer
DictatorClu, Main Builder & Map Creator
Didoman64, Design Team
GridProcedure, Design Team

Contact clu#8340 if you wish to speak to any of our small contractors.


Our acceptance policies are here in order to bound our players and developers to our rules. They may change, adapt or lessen over time.

Basic Acceptance:
By joining our game you are automatically subject to both ROBLOX’s rules and our rules. Any violation of ROBLOX’s rules will result in your immediate removal from the game and the relevant parties being notified.

Developer Basic Acceptance:
Any of the above developers have the privilege to use the work they have created for other purposes if it is modified heavily - this privilege can be stripped however if used on large projects (we want to keep the game authentic and as such we can’t have everyone using our stuff). Any work provided for you during your time with us is still ours regardless if you leave - leaving the genre / contract termination means that any models or games you have copies of must be deleted unless you have spoken to the Development at the time.

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