Tropical Airways - Rules & Regulations 2021-2022
The Tropical Airways Rules & Regulations are rules set for all members of staff and rules that has to be followed in all games that has a connection with Tropical Airways. If you are breaching any of our set rules there will be disciplinary actions against you, which may be a suspension, demotion or in worst case scenario a blacklist.
As a member of staff you are obligated to follow all the Rules & Regulations including the main rules that everyone has to follow, failure to do so will lead into termination of your position and a moderation notice.
General Rules
[1] Responsibility and Behaviour:
You are expected to act in a reasonable manner that any other person would act. This includes that you should be following the Roblox Community Standards and Discord Terms of Service rules at all times. You are to show respect to everyone in-game, so keep in mind of any jokes you make or any comments, as they could be inappropriate and disrespectful. Sharing your account is also not recommended, if any kind of abuse happens under your account, you take responsibility for it and can not use any excuses such as “it was my friend lol”.
[2] Promotions:
To earn a senior position here at Tropical Airways you have to work hard for it. Your work is valued by being honest, following the rules, have a clean record and being respectful. Asking for promotions in Tropical Airways is highly prohibited and the team will investigate further into it.
[3] Proper Use of Commands:
With your admin commands you receive you are expected to use it in a reasonable way and not abuse it. Think before running command and use common sense. Each member of staff will be having some kind of admin commands level. You are to use :m in an appropriate way and when necessary only! Misuse of any commands will result in a demotion and a further investigation taken into you which may include a full blacklist from the group. All commands are logged and will be used against you as evidence if we think you use your commands in an incorrectly and unreasonable way.
[4] Use of Common Sense:
You are expected to use your common sense at all times here at Tropical Airways, so you should always think twice before doing an action. If the action that you are about to do does not make sense to you, then do not do it. An example would be if you have an important position during a flight and you just go “AFK” without any kind of notice. You should obviously never leave or go “AFK” when you have an important role during the flight.
Last Edited: 22/10/2021 - 00:58 CEST
Presidential Team
Tropical Airways Corporate Board