Tropical Lighting Issues

Hello Everyone!

I have been having issues with lighting recently, does anyone know how to even attempt/create lighting for a tropical environment?

images what I am going for

In my game, I used:
Atmosphere, Sky, Bloom, DepthOfField, RunRaysEffect, ColorCorrectionEffect, and tweaked the game.Lighting settings a bit:

it’s really just playing with the effects until they match what you’re going for
i had to trial and error this one out for a while


Are you using an atmosphere? It basically does all of the lighting work for you, since it bases the colours off of the sky. Try finding a nice sky, and add an atmosphere in lighting.

You could also use post processing effects like bloom and sunrays.

I will add a uncopylocked link to the game with lighting for other people’s future reference when I am done. Thanks for the help!

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