Tropican | Game Guidelines

Tropican | Discord Guidelines


:palm_tree: | Tropican, “Finer, Juicier, Tastier.”

Welcome to the Official Full List of Game Rules & Guidelines. Here all the rules are displayed, these rules are to be abided be at all times. Failure to do so will result in being banned, or possibly exiled from our group.

Tropican | Full Rule List

Section A

[1] > Username; Your Roblox username must be appropriate for the viewing of everyone. Inappropriate nicknames will not be tolerated, nor will bypass names. (NSFW Names)

[2] > Profanity; Profanity is allowed, but try to keep it at a minimum. Be aware of others within our community.

[3] > Drama; Drama is to be avoided at all times. We want our community to get along well, and create unforgettable memories. Any drama should be prevented within our group and or discord.

[4] > Offensive/Remarks; Bringing up anything offensive, personal, or anything that will create tension between you, and anyone else within the community is strictly prohibited. Once again; be aware of your fellow members.

[5] > Spamming/Flooding; Attempting to flood, or spam any chat within the games is prohibited. Doing so may result in a Mute, or a Kick from our game. Be aware of your fellow members.

[6] > Impersonating; Attempting to impersonate a staff member or anyone you are not, will result in an exile from our server, and possibly our group. This will not be tolerated, and if you’re impersonating, no second chances will be given.

Section B

[1] > Exploiting/Glitching; Abusing the Roblox cheat prevention flaws, in other words exploiting, or glitching, is strictly prohibited. Exploiting will be given no second chances if you’re banned; appealing will not be possible.

[2] > Trolling/Problematic Behavior; Destcrutive or Problematic behavior should be avoided and prevented at all times. Causing issues within the discord, or the game will result in an exile.

[3] > Begging; Begging for roles, Administration Permissions, or anymore more or less will result in lowering your chances of receiving your desired item. We truly believe in working hard for what you receive.

[4] > Common Sense; If you see any rule that isn’t listed; use common sense and do not do the thing that you know is wrong. That will also lead to being exiled. NOTE; MORE RULES MAY BE ADDED