Tropicasa | Rank Descriptions & Rank Limits

Rank Descriptions



A member of the group who can order food and drinks.

Noted Customer

A former executive, allied representative or a member of our community who is well-respected and prominent within the Roblox community.


The first staff rank is earned by attending and passing an interview or having an application accepted. Trainees cannot serve or do any of the staff jobs as they must attend training to do so.

Junior Smoothie Barista

The second staff rank is earned by attending and passing a training. Junior Smoothie Baristas can work behind the counter and serve customers. To be promoted to Smoothie Barista, you must earn 350 points.

Smoothie Barista

The third staff rank is earned by getting 350 points and being promoted. To be promoted to Senior Smoothie Barista, you must earn 700 points.

Senior Smoothie Barista

The final rank in the low-rank staff system. This rank is earned by getting 700 points and upon earning this rank, you are expected to be diligent in your job, enthusiastic and knowledgeable about how the kitchen works. To be eligible for a recommendation for Administrative Intern, you must earn at least 1500 points and be recommended by executives and then approved by corporate officers.


Administrative Intern

The first executive rank which is earned by being recommended by executives (see Senior Smoothie Barista) or by passing an Administrative Intern interview which are held when we need new executives. This rank requires you to have access to Discord, have excellent grammar and an amazing knowledge of how everything works in Tropicasa which will help you to assist other members of staff on their task.

Interviewing Team

The second executive rank is earned through receiving a promotion in the Executive Evaluation. Members of the Interviewing Team can promote or demote players in the smoothie bar if they require a promotion/demotion.

Supervising Team

The third executive rank is earned through receiving a promotion in the Executive Evaluation. Supervising Team members get access to moderator permissions at the smoothie bar and their task is to moderate the restaurant as well as fulfilling the tasks of the Interviewing Team (promotions and demotions of low-rank staff members). At this rank, you can also assist in events (co-host).

Assistant Management Team

The fourth executive rank is earned through receiving a promotion in the Executive Evaluation. This rank requires you to follow the same tasks as the Supervising Team and the Interviewing Team as there are no additional tasks given to members of the Assistant Management Team.

Management Team

The fifth executive rank is earned through receiving a promotion in the Executive Evaluation. This rank gives you management access which allows you to give your opinions on promotions of other executives. Despite this, you must still fulfil the tasks of the other executive ranks.


Board of Executives

The sixth executive rank and the first high rank which is earned through receiving a promotion in the Executive Evaluation. This rank gives you administrator permissions at the smoothie bar and gives you access to hosting events (events are managed by the Communications & Operations Departments). You must still follow the tasks of the lower executive ranks.

Head of Executives

The last executive rank and the second high rank which is earned through receiving a promotion in the Executive Evaluation. This rank has the same privileges as Board of Executives, meaning you must still fulfil the tasks of the lower ranks even at this rank.


Corporate Office

The rank that allows you to manage departments and have more of an impact on who gets promoted or demoted on the executive team. This rank is different from others as it is separated into departments. Each member of the Corporate Office will either be managing a department or assisting a department. At this rank, you are exempt from requirements and due to this, cannot get promoted on an Executive Evaluation when you are at this rank.

Vice President

The first senior rank and earned by continued dedication and diligence within your work. To get this, you have to show that you’re enthusiastic about your job as well as participating and contributing to Tropicasa.


The second senior rank and earned by proving yourself to be a person who is willing to dedicate a lot of time to ensuring that everything is running smoothly and providing people with a role model by being someone that people look up to.

Senior Development Team

The rank for our Head Developers. This rank is reserved for the developers who have the main job in the development of Tropicasa.

Vice Chairwoman

The third senior rank and to earn it, you must be one of the most trusted members of the community and you must have a strong belief that you are going to contribute to Tropicasa positively and by doing that, the community sees you as a strong contender, role model and experienced staff member.


The fourth senior rank. It is currently unobtainable and is held by the owner of the group.


Customer - ∞
Noted Customer - ∞
Trainee - ∞
Junior Smoothie Barista - ∞
Smoothie Barista - ∞
Senior Smoothie Barista - ∞

Administrative Intern - 30
Interviewing Team - 20
Supervising Team - 20
Assistant Management Team - 15
Management Team - 10

Board of Executives - 5
Head of Executives - 3

Corporate Office - 3
Vice President - 2
President - 1
Senior Development Team - ∞
Vice Chairwoman - 1
Chairman - 1

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