Trouble importing a mesh

When I try and import a mesh I made in blender, half of it is missing in Studio. The mesh is made of two icospheres, but they are joined by a Boolean modifier. I exported it by selecting the mesh and exporting it as a .obj. Did I do something wrong in the connection of parts, exporting, or something else?

Screenshot 2023-06-13 210215
When viewed at a different angle, the whole right side of the head is in tact.


Have you tried looking at the faces to see if they are facing the right way?


No I haven’t. Is that a blender issue or a studio issue?


Both, Go ahead and click this button here in the top right. If it’s blue, it means it’s facing outwards, and if it’s red, it is facing inwards.


One is facing in and one is facing out. How do I change it? Sorry, I’m extremely new to Blender

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In the Edit mode, you will select the Red Faces and convert them to blue, by flipping the normals. Click Mesh > Normals > Flip

(or whichever works best. Probably select all by pressing A, then Mesh > Normals > Recalculate inside.)

You can upload an image if you would like to here if you need more detail :+1:


Is there a way to select only one of the icospheres at a time without having to undo the boolean and rejoin them?

This is a pretty normal issue and i face it pretty much all the times and the solution is either ticking this box in the Import 3D tab

and if that doesn’t work really well then you can probably solve it with this in the mesh properties
Most the time it will work but sometimes it will not because of a messy mesh problem in Blender or whatever 3D designer you using cause the mesh having too much polygons for roblox studio to import and you can try export your mesh to either .fbx file or .obj file or low down the polygon of the mesh


I haven’t used a boolean in my work on blender, but after watching a quick tutorial it looks like it works the same way as a union does on studio. You should be able to just change the faces on the mesh you’re creating already. It’d be helpful to see an image of what you’re seeing on the blender side.

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The boolean is not there in blender, since it has already been applied. Do you want an image of the Explorer looking thing?

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Your whole screen would work better :+1:

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This works, I’m just gonna check with the other guy to see if that’ll help fix a mirroring texture paint glitch.

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In Object mode select the left and right sides of the Mesh.
In Edit mode click A to select all the faces, edges, or vertices, doesn’t matter which.
Go to the Mesh tool, on the dropdown is the Normals tool, click it and another menu pops up, select Recalculate Outside.
It should fix your inverted sides.

@ThobbJack please don’t suggest using DoubleSided. Sure it works, but it also doubles the number of tris in the Mesh, and if you do that to enough meshes it will affect performance. It also messes up the shading of edges like the ones in OP’s case where the red and blue faces meet. Blender sees the split edge as a non-smooth face, so it’s going to have a shadowed edge at that joint.
DoubleSided is meant for thin Meshes, like leaves on a tree, or paper, where it’s better to have a single Face show both sides.


Thank you for this. I now have to solve a texture paint issue, but maybe this might’ve made things easier


Oh, and also, in Edit mode select all faces, go to the Mesh menu, select Normals, and then select Reset Vectors (I think it’s called that, or something similar) which will recalculate the rendered ‘direction’ each face is pointing at. If you are editing and moving vertices, faces, or edges around you probably need to reset them as well, especially if you had an issue with inverted faces joining standard faces.

Another thing, are your Vertices joined at the edge of the Boolean Modified mirror?
Use the Vertices selector, click A, go to the Mesh menu, go to Clean up, then Merge Vertices by distance and it’ll join up faces that have vertices at the same location.

Just a hint, you’ve also got a Mirror tool in your Mesh menu that you can use in Edit mode. Select all the faces, vertices, or edges that you want mirrored then use that tool. If it doesn’t mirror properly go to the Mirror tool that pops up bottom left of your screen. You may need to change the tool from (+y to -y) to (-y to +y), or one of the other axes to get your proper mirroring. I can’t remember if you have to use the Merge Vertices tool again after doing that.


Thank you for this. Do you mind if I ask one more question?

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Lol, never ask if someone minds answering a question cuz if you do then you are actually asking a question!
What’s the question?

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I tried texturing this cow head, and when I tried using the paint brush, it would mirror my strokes on the other side of the head. Is this a product of the head being made up of two meshes, or is it a UV mapping problem?

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I haven’t textured Meshes, but because you used a Boolean it may be mirroring that as well.

Another pointer, select all faces in Edit mode, go to the Faces tool tab, then click Smooth faces. It’ll get rid of the flat faces with sharp edges.
If you need an edge to appear sharp then you can select the edge, go to the Edges tool tab, and click Mark Sharp. The edge will turn blue and the shading will make it look like a sharp line.

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