Trouble making mesh neon

I have been making a playable robot character for my game (in blender) but have had problems with making certain sections glow since roblox doesn’t support emissive textures.

What I want it to look like:

What it currently looks like:

I need to get a glow effect on the red bits

I’ve tried doing the trick where you make a part of the texture transparent in photoshop then the set the material to neon and the neon should shine through the transparent section of the texture but it seems that only works on parts and not meshes.

Also separating the faces I want to glow then setting the material to neon and welding them in roblox isn’t really an option since this is going to be a R15 character and I would prefer to not have 15 extra meshes all welded .

really wish roblox supported emissive textures

Use a surface light to add the emission feal.

Didn’t really work, I don’t think it is directly coming from the red faces just the entire side :smile:

For that, you need to add some parts and kind of just resize and position the part in such a way that it covers the emitting parts of your mesh. Then use surface light and set it’s range to 1 or below and test brightness till it satisfies your needs.

I think if I went and did that for every bright spot on my model (30+) I would have so many parts welded that it would just be better and go with the extra 15 meshes. Sorry

No not really. Roblox optimizes such stuff well and having so many parts won’t be too much on the peformance if that’s what you’re concerned about.

There is also no other way to do something like that as far as I am aware.

In that case, should i go with having 1 part per neon area or make new meshes of the neon parts and make the material neon

Depends, it would be better if you go using mesh. But make sure to not make the mesh cover every single one of the neon parts, rather, a few.

Just put the red parts in photopea or photoshop. Add a stroke effect and make the stroke effect red with a bigger size. The part will appear to glow red. Or in photoshop or photopea increase the brightness and contrast then increase the vibrance.