Trouble rotating Imagelabel in a certain way

Hello, I am using a billboardgui, inside of it is an imagelabel of the pendulum sprite I want to rotate. That I can do; however, using the imagelabel’s rotation doesn’t give the intended results.
It rotates the whole image, moving the string away from my character’s hand. I want the string part of the pendulum to stay between my character’s fingers, while swinging the bottom of the image.

This is a video of my failed attempt at making the pendulum swing. The string doesn’t stay in my character’s (Hypno) hand, resulting in the whole image moving.

The gif below is how I want the pendulum to swing (taking from Google Images), the string is attached to a specific part of the screen and the rest of the image swings left and right.

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I’m not sure if there would be some mathematical solution into this but this is a simple approach to this;

You can create an invisible frame just to contain the pendulum inside.
The pendulum’s anchor point should be (.5, 0) and its position inside (.5, 0, .5, 0) to make its half out of frame.

By configuring the Rotation property of the invisible frame you should be able to make this;


Ah, so that’s how you use Anchorpoints. Now I just have to deal with trying to fix the image becoming bigger/zooming out when I move away from it. Thanks!

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