Trouble uploading audio

I’ve been trying to upload some audio to Roblox, but noticed that it kept giving me an error about the audio format. I have tried multiple times and still can’t fix this issue. I have also tried different devices, which resulted the same.

I made sure that the file was an mp3 file, but I still get this error. Does anyone know how to fix?

Also, please do tell me if this is in the right category.

Even if it is mp3, the file may be corrupted.
Try playing it on Windows media player, VLC, etc.

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Alright, I’ll try that! Thanks for the response.

It seems to be playing just fine, I just played it.

Or maybe the internal audio format isn’t valid for Roblox…

Try compressing the file with Compress MP3: Reduce Audio File Size (Free)


It works now! Thank you so much!

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