So, I’m a fan of this rhythm game called “Friday Night Funkin’” (its its own game not in Roblox) and I want to use one of the sprite sheets from the game thats in the main menu. But I don’t know how to get it to work since I cant find a way to use this specific sprite sheet because it has multiple characters in it.
Here’s the sprite sheet.
note: im using this for a screen gui not surface gui
if the title is wrong for what my problem is then please tell me because im still kinda new to the forums
Do you have a copy uploaded? I can show you how to do it.
Im uploading it right now, I just have to change the size since its bigger than 1024x1024
Well I dont think this’ll work
It’s all pixelated
So you are trying to make a sprite sheet and from my head, Friday Night Funkin uses these to make the characters dancing (to presumably prevent hard drive-read times)
I know it is possible but it takes a bit of scripting skills to pull it off
Try separating the characters and put them onto different image files.
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Done. But its still bigger than what roblox allows and if i make it any smaller then itll be pixelated
Also, In the game this has to be scaled a bit bigger.
Nevermind, I uploaded it to roblox and its fine.
Ok, can I have the link to it then? than I’ll make the script to animate it.
Ok. rbxassetid://6408253389 is the assetid
Also I can explain how the developers use the sprite sheets, So, they used adobe animate to animate the characters, then exported all those animations into a spritesheet, then theres an .xml file for those animations so it plays them whenever the devs want them to.
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I’m going to have to get back to you later on this. The sprite is taking forever to get threw moderation.
Is it done? @firechaos70 also I’m working on doing the actual characters.
Nope, still hasn’t passed moderation, and may not for a bit.(a shirt a made took about 2 days
@firechaos70 I just import everything through studio so I can use the image straight away
And also, didn’t I give you the id? 6408253389
I put the ID in, and this is what happened:
Hmmm, for me it works perfectly.
I think it only works for you right now, because you made it, and others have to wait for it to pass moderation.