I apologize if this is the wrong category, I wasn’t really sure. The goal is to create a “Swinging” mechanic, this is done by making a rope locally that is invisible to other players, then creating a beam server-side so other players can see the rope as a beam.
The rope works perfectly, the problem is the beam. Mouse.Hit.p is ignoring specific parts and going straight to the baseplate, glitching the beam through buildings.
Still haven’t solved the problem, but found a solution that will work for now.
I’m communicating mouse.Hit through a remote event to the server, and somewhere along the way the value changes between local and server for mouse hit position. I essentially just re-routed the mouse.Hit position through another way which works fine
(Still annoying not knowthing the solution but whatever lol)
local function beamFunc ()
Server Side:
local function onEvent (plr,on,char,mouseTarget,mouseHit)
local folder = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(plr.Name.."Folder")
if on then
-- Make Beam
local beam = Instance.new("Beam",folder)
local hand = char.RightHand
local pos1 = mouseHit
local pos2 = Vector3.new(hand.Position.X,hand.Position.Y,hand.Position.Z)
attach1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
attach2 = Instance.new("Attachment")
attach1.Parent = mouseTarget
attach1.WorldPosition = pos1
attach2.Parent = hand
attach2.WorldPosition = pos2
beam.Attachment0 = attach1
beam.Attachment1 = attach2
-- Destroy Beam
I’m creating a rope on local side so it is hidden from other players, but that uses the exact same method as i do for server side which is weird.
The goal is to create a “Swinging” mechanic, this is done by making a rope locally that is invisible to other players, then creating a beam server-side so other players can see the rope as a beam.
The rope works perfectly, the problem is the beam. Mouse.Hit.p is ignoring specific parts and going straight to the baseplate, glitching the beam through buildings.
For anyone having a similar problem like this, there was no solution for me. It was simply a glitch affecting my place only. I opened up a new project using the exact same code and it works just fine.