My device has no problems with future lighting, unless it enters thatlaggy warzone that I mentioned in the post.
On a different showcase of mine, the exact same thing happened too.
My device usually doesn’t lag when I play games with future lighting, but specifically this glitch is making me lag specifically upstairs, where the event is mainly happening.
Damn, yet then I’m wondering why that bug makes everything so complicated and lags my game entirely whenever people enter the area upstairs - Which is there the bug is happening as you saw.
Really hope this can be fixed or reported soon, because I can’t post bug reports.
in the video as you can see the future lighting doesnt look noticeable, in the first clip, you can very much see future lighting is there, but in the 2nd clip, it looks like shadow map lighting as the future lighting is not intense there whatsoever compared to the first clip
Future lighting is laggy, sadly. I’ve tried to help @vrtblox to fix this issue by sending him files of laggy places, unfortunately I haven’t got a reply yet. Hopefully it’s fixed soon, and on mobile, I wish to see that day.