Trouble with future lighting technology

Hey Developers,

I have come cross this problem multiple times by now, and it causes my places performance issues/lag and is pretty much frustrating too.

I’m currently just trying to get rid of this possible bug and wanted to see if some developers have encountered this problem as well.

This a short clip of the issue occurring:

You can clearly see the issue happening right here.

While you’re inside of the area in which all of this takes place, it’s very laggy.

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That’s how it works. Future lighting is going to be laggy for most devices.

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My device has no problems with future lighting, unless it enters thatlaggy warzone that I mentioned in the post.

On a different showcase of mine, the exact same thing happened too.

My device usually doesn’t lag when I play games with future lighting, but specifically this glitch is making me lag specifically upstairs, where the event is mainly happening.

Here’s another video of a similar occurrence:

Check if you duplicated some lights of accident and check all game scripts.

No lights are duplicate, otherwise it’d just be brighter - The issue here is that the light plays weird in both videos.

Little to no scripts were used in those showcases, and I haven’t scripted any lights either, so that can’t be the problem.

In video one, when you turn around, it seems to be bright, then fades and turns darker

In video two, whenever you’re facing a specific angel, the room is suddenly bright, until you leave that place.

Oh, nothing can be done to fix that. That’s just a future lighting bug.


Damn, yet then I’m wondering why that bug makes everything so complicated and lags my game entirely whenever people enter the area upstairs - Which is there the bug is happening as you saw.

Really hope this can be fixed or reported soon, because I can’t post bug reports.

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maybe its cause future lighting doesnt use instance rendering so it gotta make a lot of draw calls, not sure though if anybody knows

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in the video as you can see the future lighting doesnt look noticeable, in the first clip, you can very much see future lighting is there, but in the 2nd clip, it looks like shadow map lighting as the future lighting is not intense there whatsoever compared to the first clip

I think future ligthings is on WIP so its going to be bugs and its going to be laggy.

Don’t worry, the second clip does have future lighting from the very beginning as you can see in the property tab below.

Future lighting is laggy, sadly. I’ve tried to help @vrtblox to fix this issue by sending him files of laggy places, unfortunately I haven’t got a reply yet. Hopefully it’s fixed soon, and on mobile, I wish to see that day.

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im aware that it is future lighting, so basically future lighting is more intense in some areas the others, thats what i meant by


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Try setting evironmentalspecular and environmentaldiffuse to 0 and check again.

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I’ll try this as soon as I’ll get to, and let you know if there were any changes.

Thank you.

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Hi again,

I’ve tried your attempt on fixing this, yet the same issue is still happening.

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