Trouble with getting the number of players in a server

I want to achieve a script that has a variable that is the number of players in the server.

The issue is that if I print the variable, it just says 0.
I have tried switching between GetChildren() and GetPlayers().

This is the code:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local count = #players:GetPlayers()

if count < 2 then
    print("Not enough players to start the game.")

Also this is my first topic so if I need to change anything just say.

for _, v in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
	print(v) -- print everything inside the players service

for _, v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	print(v) -- will only print if a player object found
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Dumb question. Is your scripti firing this once a game starts? if so. Itll print 0 because all clients hasnt loaded yet

repeat task.wait()
until game:IsLoaded()

No it fires every time a new game starts

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local count = players:GetPlayers()

if #count < 2 then
    print("Not enough players to start the game.")
print("Enough players to start the game!")

Not sure if this will help you. But you can try. It waits .1 seconds until the “:GetPlayers()” is higer or equal to the “Required” value :slight_smile:

local Required = 1
local players = game:GetService("Players")

repeat task.wait(.1) until #players:GetPlayers() >= Required

local count = #players:GetPlayers()

if count < 2 then
	print("Not enough players to start the game.")

Oh, thankyou! That’s even better for what I was aiming for.

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