Hello devforum,
I have a GUI system where when you close it, I want all the elements inside of it’s visibility to be turned to false. I know you can simply disable the GUI itself, but I won’t go into why I’ve chosen not to do this.
To do this, I have grabbed all the elements of the GUI using GetDescendants;
Now, my GUI contains instances which do not have the property of “Visiblity” such as UIAspectRatioConstants & Folders. So I found a tutorial which showed how to combat this. I writ down the code and hit test only to find this message;
To make sure I hadn’t just written my code wrong, I copied and pasted exactly what the tutorial had;
And below is the part of the script which references the function
Even doing the example of what the tutorial had (a simple print message) the same error occurred. I thought pcalls were supposed to ignore errors and continue the function, correct? Correct me if I’m wrong since I’ve had little experience with pcalls.