I’m trying to make a project where you can generate a random mini tower with 1 - 30 floors, I’m trying to do a script where once the button is pressed it will get a random Adjective and Noun, but it won’t allow me to show the text, instead it shows me an error message, the message is “Attempting to concrete nil with nil.”.
could you send the last three lines of code so I can edit it?
the problem is with the math.random. You have to specify max. Ex:
Change line 69 to this
Text.Text = "Tower of " .. TN1[math.random(#TN1)] .. TN2[math.random(#TN2)]
and because the script is from the server??
I know what the problem is…
I just wanted the last three lines because I don’t feel like typing it on mobile
I didnt mean to reply to you lol, I meant to reply to the topic
not sure if you can do this with one argument like that?
but I would do
math.random(1, #TN1)
Thank you guys so much for the help!
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thanks, never knew that
I personally still like it with two arguments more, that’s an opinion though
EDIT: the screenshot wasn’t really needed, I guess it might help other people
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