Trouble with tool [FINALLY SOLVED]

What do you want to achieve?
I want make that when a player touch a certain part, the player get a certain tool.

What is the issue?
I don’t understand how it works…

What solutions have you tried so far?
I have looked to the tool article in the Roblox creator documentation, but I still don’t understand how it works…

Thanks for reading, have a good day!

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The ‘Tool’ object allows players to equip tools from their backpack and when it’s parented to their character. The player will automatically pick up tools when they come in contact with them.

You can read more here:

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I already red this, as I said

but I still don’t understand how it works, as I said too:

I know this, but that’s not what I want to achieve.

Put this script into the part:

local tool = game.Workspace.Tool:Clone() --change "Workspace" to wherever your tool is and continue going down the children if it is in another thing, and change "Tool" to the name of your tool. This is cloning the tool

script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(part) -- check if the part has been touched, then run the function. The part is the part tha touched this part
	if part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- check if the part has a sibling called "Humanoid" humanoid is only in characters
		tool.Parent = part.Parent -- put the tool in the players character, this makes it start equiped.

I have added comments (as you can see) to make it explained and customizable

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Tysm I this’ll help a lot for my game!!!

Have a good day!!

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Glad I could help!

(this is so there are more characters lol)

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It’ll help a lot for my experience so can I please put your avatar somewhere in my experience using AlreadyPro’s plugin and make a “you met @Waffle_Gamer6” badge? (Like this people will know you helped a lot!)

You don’t have to if you don’t want to.

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And if I want to? (Because I want to :wink: )

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I was just saying, since that script only took me one minute to make.

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Hum ok but anyways it’ll help a lot so it’s not important! You choose :slight_smile:

thanks, sure this will help get fame for my games.

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No problem! But I’m not sure about that because my game isn’t famous, it’s a fangame of the game Slap Battles (maybe you know it), and my game is only in very early BETA phase (almost not anything works)…

The link if you want to check anyways:

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yeah, It may be unpopular but is still good for the players who do play. My game, Uncertain Hall, is mostly just my friends and sometimes a random person if a lot of my friends are playing it.

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That’s the same. I sometimes get players who aren’t my friends but that’s players who typed “Slap Battles” in the search bar and found my game (I don’t know, maybe they like the game icon).

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It is good to have that name as it is often searched.

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Yes, that’s a good thing when you make a fangame of a game.

Also actually the game is in very early BETA phase but when I’ll add your script the game will become in early BETA phase so if you want the “You played during very early BETA” badge, play quickly!

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I will test it out now, I am curious about this game.

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Just one thing: it is full of free models… (More than 50% of the game are free models where I just added a script in.)

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That’s ok! I don’t like to use models, but it does not mean its bad to use them, just make sure to check all scripts that are part of the model. Roblox does have a feature that shows how many scripts are in the model that you are about to insert.

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