Hello everyone. In general terms, I want to create a loop that ends on a boolean change. In my game’s situation, I’ve scripted a button that gives you a boolean and sets it to true. Then, a while loop gives you a reward every minute. When you press the button again, it sets the boolean to false, and logically that should stop the loop. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works and due to the long cooldown multiple loops run on one another when a player spams the button. The effect of this is having a constant flow of rewards until the player decides to stop. Due to this, in past projects that had these types of situations, I’ve put short wait periods with cooldowns after switching boolean values. This is obviously not efficient and slightly disrupts gameplay. I’ve been unable to find the right words for a solution apparently, so I’m making my own post. I’ll provide my scripts in the hopes I can clarify any confusion.
–server script (handles giving rewards)
local event = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("premEngage")
local module = require(game.ServerScriptService.rewardsModule)
--i've stopped here to get help from devforum so here's some sample code
local inCage = player1:FindFirstChild("Stats"):FindFirstChild("InCage")
while inCage.Value == true do
--code for running reward loop
–local script (handles disabling player gui and sending an event to a script that checks for premium (in case of exploiters trying to fire the remote event) and after verifying that the remote is genuine it sends a regular event to the server script above. I don’t think the verifying script is necessary, however I will provide it if asked.
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("premCageEvent")
local unRemote = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("premUnengage")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local gui = player.PlayerGui
local children = gui:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(children) do
v.Enabled = false
gui.premiumGui.Enabled = true
gui.premiumGui.Frame.Visible = true
local button = player.PlayerGui.premiumGui.Frame.TextButton
local gui1 = player.PlayerGui
local children1 = gui1:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(children1) do
v.Enabled = true
gui1.premiumGui.Enabled = false
gui1.premiumGui.Frame.Visible = false
local gui2 = player.PlayerGui
local children2 = gui2:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(children2) do
v.Enabled = true
gui2.premiumGui.Enabled = false
gui2.premiumGui.Frame.Visible = false
–the “unremote” remote event was originally planned to stop the while loop by disabling the boolean on the server. If that’s a possible way, please tell me!
If whoever is reading this is unable to help me but see flaws in my code, please don’t hesitate to tell me! I’m relatively new to scripting and I’d love to hear feedback from you all.