Hi everyone! ^-^
I’ve been trying to create a custom backpack system, and whenever a tool comes into the players inventory, it gets added to the list. However, it keeps duplicating because it’s reading the same tools over again.
THE QUESTION: What would I do to have it check if the tool already exists in the dictionary??
local lplayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local backpack = lplayer.Backpack
local gui = script.Parent
local toollist = gui.ToolList
local template = gui.ToolList.template
local toolsavaliable = 0
local tools = {
--tools get put into here when detected
for i, v in pairs(backpack:GetChildren()) do
if instance then
print(instance.Name .. " was added to the players inventory!")
toolsavaliable = toolsavaliable + 1
table.insert(tools, instance) --adds tool into the dictionary, whilst getting the total # of tools avaliable to the player
local templatecopy = template:Clone()
templatecopy.Parent = gui.ToolList
templatecopy.Name = instance.Name
templatecopy.Text = instance.Name .. " - " .. toolsavaliable
templatecopy.Visible = true