Try my bossfight

Go to the red portal marked “Boss”. It is currently very clunky, I know. But let me know your ideas for how to improve it!

The end goal is to have an RPG based around the Every Second You Get +1 attack gimmick. I don’t know how good of an idea that really is. its basically going to be another simulator game but I’ll try to get creative with it.

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I’ve tried your game. At first sight I’d say the UI is pretty much very simple, I’ve had some difficulties understanding things.
Dialog is also very unintuitive, my screen resolution is 2K, so the text was pretty small for the space I was shown.
Fighting is just moving and smashing with sword, I didn’t even realize I one-shotted noob NPC because it was respawned instantly which also highlighted this somehow nonsense in leveling. I’ve gained around 5k exp and had Level 1, after leveling up, all my experience was gone. It rather works on a Rebirth system than Leveling system.

And to the boss… Well, first things I immediately seen were that the boss movement is entirely done by the server, so players can see the synchronization lags, this includes boss’ jump attack, which has this sync lags and also player is always behind for the server, so even if player dodges on their screen, the boss will always hit them.
My advice is that it is alright if the boss’ decision making is done on the server, that’s correct, however the movement animations must be done always on client, to prevent these weird lags. What I’m doing in my RPG game is that when boss or any other enemy decides to move or do any action, it teleports to that location on server side, and sends a remote event to all clients that this entity moved, so please lerp that from old position to new position within some time span.
To the hit detection system: This could be somehow very difficult to make since Roblox always has this weird synchronization lag on player movement, so server is always behind. This means that you must make a system where player’s position on their system is also checked for the hit, calculate the distance between server’s player position and client’s player position, validate it and then proceed to do needed action.

Making RPG game is very difficult IMHO, I’ve been writing mine for almost one year, and I still don’t feel I could show anything to the forum because keeping the game bug-free is very difficult from the amount of weapons, items, spells, passives and other things.

I hope you’ll be able to achieve what you want to create, but also don’t forget to study Roblox systems so you’ll be able to make as user-friendly game as possible.


Today I go down the rabbit hole of hit detection… oh boy this is going to take a while. I should probably just rename level to rebirth too, that’s what its supposed to be.

I recognize how difficult an RPG game is… i’m definitely not going to do an actual RPG and more so just a simulator with story elements so I can have some fun with it. Sorry you feel like a years worth of work isn’t good enough though, maybe you’re being too harsh on yourself!

Does this go for weapon animations as well?

Animations are different thing I’d say. They’re replicated from the server to the client lot easier, since server needs to send a message that an animation has been added to the controller, and so the client will play that animation.
I’ve experienced issues when playing animations from the server, but if it’s only single animation playing on an NPC or player, it can be used on server. However if you’re planning to play multiple animations, freeze one animation, and do other instructions, it can be sometimes non-deterministic and some lags could occur for like one second before it synchronizes correctly with the server.
So I’d try both solutions, first with the server approach and then with server to client event and play the animation client-side.