"Try-On" and "3D" button is not working for classic shirts in the marketplace

The Try-On button is broken for any classic shirts in the catalog on the roblox website. The “3D” button is also missing where you can render your avatar in 3D with shirt on. I tried using both Chrome and Firefox browser without any plugins but got the same bug.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go to Catalog on any browser
  2. Change the filter to “Classic Shirts” only
  3. Click on any shirt
  4. Click the Try-On button
  5. The shirt does not render on your avatar
  6. The button to switch between 3D/2D view is missing

Example shirt:


After “Try-On” is clicked:

Expected behavior

The shirt is suppose to render on the avatar after Try-On is clicked. There is also suppose to be a “3D” button to switch the view between 2D and 3D as with other catalog items.

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Thank you for the report. We have assigned to our team for further review.

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