Trying out Art/Animation!

SO I’ve been a clothing designer for quite a while and I’ve gotten somewhere with that… A friend suggested that I try actually drawing characters, so I gave it a try and here’s what I made:
drawing of one of my outfits

Credits for a game
looped gif

In your completely honest opinion should I continue drawing? and why? What did you like or not like?


Your drawing of characters is impressive compared to what I can draw lol.

Anyways, the overall 0-10 scale for me would be a 7/10 for the creativity of the characters themselves, the attention you put into the background of your animation and the contributor list (The way you made it look like it was on a piece of paper is pretty creative and the drawings you put made it more appealing).

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Thank you! By the way, what can I do to improve the characters?

Maybe add more shadows under maybe the chin of the character to make it look like the face is pointed outwards, but other than that, I like it.

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I really like the style of your arts. Just a smol suggestion: Try playing with shadows and shades of color and understanding the impact of lighting on shadow’s position. Other than that, the character styles are really appealing :smiley: