Hey everyone, I’m sure I’m making a novice mistake here but I need another set of eyes.
I’m trying to make a garbage can randomize between 3 items (or more!) and then once it picks one, it’ll add a randomized amount between two different min and max number values.
Example would be, you interact with this garbage can, collect 3 wire.
come back x time later (for demonstrations it’s 10 seconds), collect 27$.
My issue is on line 33 (if tbl[1] ~= nil then). It says im ‘Attempt to index number with number’.
If anyone knows anything please lmk!
local prox = script.Parent
local textBox = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.RewardProjection.BillboardGui.TextLabel -- Not in use...
local sound = script.Parent.Parent.TriggerSound
prox.Enabled = false
local Cash = plr.PlayerInfo.Inventory.Collectables.Cash
local MinCash = 10
local MaxCash = 150
local AdditionalMultiplyerCash = math.random(MinCash,MaxCash)
local Nails = plr.PlayerInfo.Inventory.Collectables.Nails
local MinNails = 5
local MaxNails = 10
local AdditionalMultiplyerNails = math.random(MinNails,MaxNails)
local Wire = plr.PlayerInfo.Inventory.Collectables.Wire
local MinWire = 2
local MaxWire = 4
local AdditionalMultiplyerWire = math.random(MinWire,MaxWire)
local function RandomizedTable(tbl)
local returntbl= {Cash.Value, Nails.Value, Wire.Value}
if tbl[1] ~= nil then
for i=1,#tbl do
print("Randomized Items")
if tbl == 1 then
Cash.Value = AdditionalMultiplyerCash
if tbl == 2 then
Nails.Value = AdditionalMultiplyerNails
if tbl == 3 then
Wire.Value = AdditionalMultiplyerWire
return returntbl
prox.Enabled = true
You’re not passing anything to the function which is expecting one parameter (tbl)
Not sure why this would cause “attempt to index number with number” though
Ah, I knew this was more complicated than I anticipated… Do you know how to solve said issues? Or can refer me to a link or article explaining how to do those things?
I’m sure once I figure out that problem, the ‘Attempt to index number with nil’ will be more clear.
tbl (what I thought and think) is the naming convention for what will be called upon. I figured it was the same as placing ‘Player’.
When the function ‘RandomizedTable’ is called, I figured ‘tbl’ would be what It’s going to get its information from.
right? I could be totally wrong though, I taught myself how to code by trial and error lol. Sometimes the forums can get a bit confusing. Though it’s a double edged sword at times xD.
ProximityPrompt.Triggeredreturns the player that the prompt was triggered by as the first parameter. That is why you are able to define plr as a parameter when you connect the function to the Triggered event. As for RandomizedTable, it is not linked to any event that returns a value and thus if you have a parameter (tbl in this instance) you must pass it through yourself when you call the function:
-- Lets say "tbl" is an array:
local tbl = {"Cash", "Nails", "Wire"} -- Just an example
-- Whenever you call RandomizedTable, you would send this variable as the parameter
Anyways, I have an even bigger question. What exactly do you want RandomizedTable to achieve? From the name, it sounds like you want it to return a randomized table consisting of the player’s Cash, Nails, and Wires but you also check if tbl is equal to 3 different numbers (which will never be true for any of them). If you can elaborate on that, that would be great!